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This week we are continuing with our work on Percy's quilt - making a new design using all the shapes we know!  We made different pictures to go on the quilt and then used the shapes without any gaps!  this was very tricky as we had to look carefully at which shape could fill any spaces left over.  We have also been working on remembering our number bonds to 10 - they are tricky so we are looking forward to doing these at home too!


In our literacy we are writing our recounts from our weekend, writing in our easter cards and also choosing objects from the hidden things bag and then writing captions about them.  Our phonic work is applying our sounds and words so far to read sentences!  


We have created Easter cards and also explored secret paths in our forest school area as well as finding new flowers and plants that are now growing.  We have got a painting area in our classroom now so that we can paint the wonderful things that we see.


We have worked very hard this half term and are looking forward to the Easter holidays - we also wanted to thank all our grown ups for helping us at school and at home.


Well done everyone.


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