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Week beginning 02.11.20

Hello everyone and welcome back to a new half-term! We hope that you all had a lovely break and it is wonderful to have the children back and ready for more fun-filled learning as we head towards Christmas.


This week, our Literacy work has once again been based around our core text of 'Beegu'. It was very exciting when Mrs Biggs picked up our copy of 'Beegu', and a mysterious letter fell out! It was from Beegu herself and we had to work out what she was trying to tell us, as she is still learning English and got a bit muddled with some of her words. We've also been writing command sentences for any grown-ups that might see Beegu around school, telling them how they can help her to feel at home. 


In Maths this week, the Year 1 children have been focusing on reading and writing numbers to fifty and beyond, while the Year 2s have been investigating money and using coins to make different amounts.


In the afternoons, as well as working on our Phonics, we have been finding out about the differences between old and modern toys. It was lovely to hear what the children had found out as part of their half-term homework, and Mrs Johnson and Mrs Goude had some serious nostalgia hearing about how the Elm Class grown-ups enjoyed playing with space hoppers, Thunder Cats figures and Care Bears!


Have a look at the photo reel below to see what else we have been up to this week. smiley
