This week in maths we have been learning about money.
In Year 1 we have been learning about the value of all coins and notes. We have also been using coins to practise our 2, 5 and 10 counts.
In Year 2 we have been exploring different ways of making different amounts of money and beginning to explore and problems solve with amounts of change too.
In Literacy this week we have been working very hard on our story writing. We have rewritten our own version of The Three Little Pigs using Percy's animal friends as inspiration. There were three little rabbits, a big, bad fox and some even changed the houses to burrows. We have shown great resilience with our writing and even when it got tough we kept on going. We're very proud of ourselves!
In the afternoons this week, we have had an RE focus. Due to the different year group curriculums for RE, we have been working separately as Year 1 and Year 2. The Year 1 children have been learning about the Hindu festival of Raksha Bandhan, while the Year 2s having been exploring places which are important to Christians.