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Red Group 


Spellings: Week commencing 10.7.2023

Here are our spellings for this week. Have a go at practising them at home.

Spellings: Week commencing 26.6.23 

The spellings that we will be looking at this week are below. Have a go at learning them at home first. 

Spellings: Week commencing 19.6.23 

The spellings that we will be looking at this week are below. Have a go at learning them at home first. 

Spellings: Week commencing 12.6.23 

The spellings that we will be looking at this week are below. Have a go at learning them at home first. 

Half tern spelling practice 

Friday 19.5.2023

Practice next week's spellings: 


Writing challenge: 

In grammar this week we have been practicing using fronted adverbials. Have a go at this challenge:

Friday 12.5.2023


Practice next week's spellings: Can you spot the pattern? Can you think of a creative way to practice them e.g. using chalks outside, sounding them out whilst skipping..?



Writing Challenge:

This week, we have been reading playscripts- including one for Little Red Riding Hood. Think of your favourite fairy tale - e.g. the three little pigs, or your favourite film and try to write some of the playscript.  Don't forget your stage directions. 

Friday 28.4.2023


Choose 1 or 2 of the tasks on the Spelling Menu and complete them with the words we will be learning next week.

Spellings for next week:

Writing Challenge:




Looking at this picture, write a conversation between the two characters. Make sure you use inverted commas in the correct place. 

Friday 21.4.2023


Choose 1 or 2 of the tasks on the Spelling Menu and complete them with the words we will be learning next week.

Spellings for next week:

Writing Challenge:

Friday 31 03 23

Choose 1 or 2 of the tasks on the Spelling Menu and complete them with the words we will be learning next week.

Spellings for next week:











Friday 24.3.23

Choose 1 or 2 of the tasks on the Spelling Menu and complete them with the words we will be learning next week.

Spelling's for next week:











Friday 17.3.23

Choose 1 or 2 of the tasks on the Spelling Menu and complete them with the words we will be learning next week.

Spelling's for next week:

  • Tremendous
  • Ridiculous
  • Ravenous
  • Numerous
  • Nervous
  • Miraculous
  • Joyous
  • Jealous
  • Generous
  • Fabulous

Friday 10.3.23

Choose 1 or 2 of the tasks on the Spelling Menu and complete them with the words we will be learning next week.

Spelling's for next week:

  • Beautiful
  • Happiness
  • Angrier
  • Prettier
  • Readily
  • Dried
  • Defied
  • Applies
  • Silliness
  • Heavier

Spelling Menu

Friday 3.3.23

Select your group's task and complete the wordsearch. These are the spellings we will be focussing on next week.

Friday 24.2.23

Complete the task for your coloured group. If you are unsure of what to do, have a look at the BBC Bitesize pages and see if they can help.

Friday 10.2.23


Friday 3.2.23


Friday 27th January 

For your homework this week, have a look at the spellings we will be learning next week. Read each word, then cover it and try to write it from memory. After that, write a sentence using each word.


Friday 20th January

Friday 13th January



Friday 6th January 2023


For your Literacy homework this week we would like you to create an advert for your biscuits that you have designed during our DT work. Use your biscuit box you have made to write an advert to sell the biscuits.

See the example below for some inspiration and a check list of the features you could include. 

Friday 16th December

Friday 9th December 2022

Friday 2nd December





Friday 25th November 2022


Watch the videos of Michael Rosen performing his poems below.


Record your own version of the poem Library by Michael Rosen. See if you can perform it with lots of expression, in your voice, face and using actions!

Don't | POEM | Kids Poems and Stories With Michael Rosen

Tomato 1 | POEM | Kids' Poems and Stories With Michael Rosen

Friday 18th November 2022

Next week in literacy we are going to be looking at poetry. For homework this week we want you to spend some time looking and listening to poems. Send in a poem that you have enjoyed and think about the following questions.


What was your poem about?

Did the poem rhyme? Can you share the pairs of rhyming words you noticed?

What was your favourite word or phrase in the poem? Why did you like it?

Was there a word or phrase that you didn't like? Can you explain why?

How did the poem make you feel?

Would you recommend your chosen poem to a friend?


Use the link below for access to loads of poems or you can find your own examples!

