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We are investigating a new text this week - Fairy Tale Pets - we are identifying the different fairy tale creatures within it and the events that happen in our story.  We are using this text as a basis for our work and one area of discussion has been 'what would you buy at the shops for your pet?' - lots of wonderful answers came out of our shared discussions!

In our maths we are working on positional language - this has been great fun identifying the words that we need to discuss the position of objects.

We are also beginning to investigate the celebration of Diwali - we have listened to a wonderful Diwali story - watch the clip on the home link page.

If you would like any further information, please email:

Miss Denton on

Mrs Stevens on


We have really enjoyed two special challenges this week - one is to release the objects from the creepy cobweb and the other challenges have related to Christopher Pumpkin - a phonic and maths challenge.

We have also had our very first forest school session.  We had a great time investigating our new forest school area and collecting leaves to create our own leaf rangoli pattern.
