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Ash Class

Week commencing 11th July

History week

Ash class have jumped straight into History week and have managed to finish their Tudor houses. They have worked hard to learn new cutting and joining skills and used their Maths knowledge to measure the walls and draw a net for the roof. We think they look fantastic!

The building process

School life in the past. 

This week our class will be investigating School life in the past. We began this topic by looking at some photo's from Manea school. Although these were taken in the last 15 years we still noticed lots of differences. The children really enjoyed this activity and couldn't believe how much it had changed.

On Tuesday, we read some extracts from the old school log books. We were fascinated by all of the things that happened in Manea school in the past. Our favourite entries included one  that documented a broken fence that was hit by a birds eye frozen food van and another that commented on two broken windows in the dining hall that had been shot with air gun pellets. We enjoyed writing newspaper reports and diary entries about these events. 

Our Victorian school day

Week commencing 4th July

Banham zoo! 

Year 3 and Year 4 had an absolutely amazing day at Banham Zoo on Tuesday. We thoroughly enjoyed seeing all of the different animals and even managed to stroke snakes, cockroaches, snails and rats! The children were much braver than the adults. The trip linked well to our Science and we discussed all of the different omnivores, carnivores and herbivores around the zoo. 


Have a look at some of the photos of year 3 and 4 below. There are some more photos of us on the year three page too. 


This week, we have begun to build our own Tudor houses. On Wednesday, we measured and cut our pieces of wood. We are now looking forward to joining these together. 

Forest school project

Throughout this term, we have been taking part in a forest school project. We have learnt many new skills along the way, including whittling and den building. This week we celebrated the end of our project with a fire! We really enjoyed watching Mr Lenton light the fire and even cooked bread over the embers. 

Week commencing 27th June

Visit to the RSPB

We thoroughly enjoyed our day on Monday! After assembly, we walked back into our classroom to discover the volunteers from the RSPB had come to visit us. Throughout the day, they taught us about different types of birds and why nature friendly farming was important. Some of us were recorded on camera discussing what we had learnt. In the afternoon, we boarded the coach and visited the centre. We had great fun learning about how crops are grown and searching for mini beasts. 

Our Victorian day

Week commencing 20th June

End of year performance: Dazzling Decades 

We've had great fun rehearsing our performance this term and finally got to share it with you this week! As our focus was the 1980's, we chose to perform Madness' song "Our House". We enjoyed every minute of it. 


Over the last few weeks, we have been making PowerPoint presentations showing an area of Tudor life. Today, we learnt to add animations and images to these. 

Week commencing 13th June


We've been updating our class planter this week. We went out with Mrs Elliott to plant some beautiful flowers- can you tell we were inspired by our end of year performance? 

Week commencing 6th June

Cooks on the move! 

Throughout this week we have smelt some delicious smells around school. On Friday, it was finally our turn to get baking! The ladies from cooks on the move helped us to make some scrumptious fruit scones. Have a look at our pictures below. 


We have been focusing on conversions this week in Maths. First we worked on converting between m and cm, followed quickly by cm and mm. We extended this to weight learning to  weigh objects and record the weight in both grams and kilograms. 

Week commencing 23rd May 

Book day!

Ash class really enjoyed dressing up as our favourite book characters this week. Can you guess which characters we are?

Week commencing 16th May 


This week in Science we have been learning about teeth! We discussed the role they play within the digestive system and learnt about the different types of teeth we have. We then made our own teeth models from plastercine. 


This week we are thinking about division. We've been linking this with finding fractions of amounts. On Monday, we  measured the playground outside. We then drew a diagram to the scale of 1/10 and 1/100. Some of the children stayed in the classroom, drawing a plan of it to a 1/10 scale. They even went as far as measuring and drawing each of the tables. 

Week commencing 9th May 

Outdoor learning

As year 6 have been busy having important tests this week, Year 4 decided to have a week of outdoor learning! In Literacy, we performed different stories from other cultures and made up our own versions of the 'Awongalema tree' using role-play. In Maths, we have been applying our learning to different contexts. We used our addition knowledge to find 5 items in the playground that added up to exactly 1.75m- that was a real challenge! We have also been busy finding quadrilaterals and angles around us. 


On Thursday half of the class went to the woods with Mr Lenton whilst the other half stayed in the mud kitchen. One of the children from Mr Lenton's group  explained "First Mr Lenton chose some people to carve wood to make spears, whilst other children made mud faces and built dens. Then we all swapped. The best bit was carving the spears because we got to use knives and it was really fun!". 

One of the children that stayed in the mud kitchen explained what they had been up to: "First we started to make creations from mud in the tires. We made our own story settings, it was very fun because we all got very messy and shared ideas with one another. Then we made very messy mud faces with anything you could find that was laying on the ground" 

Week commencing 2nd May 

Down in the woods... 

Over the next six week's Ash class will be taking part in our very own outdoor learning project! Today we all visited the woods and had our forest leader, Mr Lenton, join us. We started by collecting things that interested us in a collection cup. Some of us chose to form collections based on colours, whilst others considered texture and size. 


Forest collections

We then set to work building our forest dens. Mr Lenton taught us how to form loop knots and demonstrated different skills and techniques we could use within the woods. 
During the next six weeks, half of the class will be completing outdoor activities with Miss Bridges whilst the other half will be visiting the woods with Mr Lenton. Please make sure children are dressed for such activities every Thursday. 

Week commencing 18th April


Last term, Ash class won the attendance race for the first time this year! We celebrated by having our movie  and popcorn on Friday afternoon. We all (adults included) enjoyed watching the Smurfs. 




For our final week of Science week we have continued our egg investigations. We investigated- Can you remove an egg from it's shell without cracking it? Ask your children how we managed it! 


We have also been learning about our digestive systems and are now able to name some of the organs within our digestive system. Have a look at some of our models below: 


Over the last two weeks, we have been busy making Tudor roses out of clay. This week we completed these with some paint. 

Week commencing 11th April

We have been very excited this week to kick start our science weeks off with some egg investigations! In Maths, we asked the question 'Are the tallest eggs the heaviest?'. 

On Thursday we went to visit the chicks that had hatched in Pine class. We used this experience and the outdoor environment to write our own Spring Haiku poems. 


Here are some examples of them: 


Fluffy, Chirpy, Soft, 

Pointy beaks, flapping wings

Miniature and sweet.


Soft feathers on me, 

Fluffy chubby, miniature, 

Adorable me. 


Yellow and Cosy, 

Twitching and shivering scared, 

Worried and perplexed. 


Flowers are growing, 

Grass is green and lambs are here, 

Trees start to blossom. 


Visit to the chicks and writing Haiku poems

What if?

As part of Science weeks, we have been thinking about lots of different 'What if' questions. For example, 'What if we had a flexible skeleton?'  and 'What if door handles were made from chocolate?'


On Friday, we thought about the question 'What if there was no electricity in the world?' This led us to think about how we would keep the eggs warm if we had a power cut and the incubator stopped working. The children suggested making either a blanket or clothes to wrap them in. This led us to creating an investigation to find out 'Which material would be the best insulator?' 

Week commencing 21st March 



This half term we have been learning about Christianity in R.E. This week we have been writing some lovely Easter prayers, they've made a lovely display in our classroom. 


This week, the whole of KS2 were set a challenge. We had to build a structure from newspaper that greater than 1.5m tall, could stand on it's own and could hold the weight of a cream egg! We had lots of fun and definitely found out which ideas didn't work! Have a look at some of our models below. 

Week commencing 14th March 


Amazing Animations

On Thursday this week, we had our own animation day. We looked at how flip books work and discussed how films such as Wallace and Grommit were made. Using this knowledge, we began to plan our own short animation clips. 

We then gave jobs to each member of our team. Some of us created the backdrops, whilst others made the characters and props from plastercine. 

Finally, we used the Ipad app 'stop motion' to take a selection of pictures, each time moving our models only slightly. Some of us ended up taken over 150 pictures!

Still image for this video

Still image for this video

Week commencing 7th March 



In Gymnastics we have been creating balances using different heights and body parts. We have began to join these together to create a short performance. 

Week commencing 29th February



We have been looking at persuasive writing in English recently. We thought carefully about choosing suitable language to persuade people to buy different products- including an old smelly shoe! We made some posters advertising products of our choice. Have a look below, would you be persuaded? 

Week commencing 22nd February


Our class  assembly 

This half term we have been  creating a 'Vicious Viking' poem.  We learnt that often in Viking times they wrote poems called Kennings. A kenning is a short, clever or amusing description of something- usually just two words long. On Thursday, we were able to perform this poem with actions to our parents. We had great fun! 


This week we have began investigating how forces make things move. We walked around the school grounds and experimented with push, pull and twist forces. We also began to talk about how gravity works. 

Week commencing 8th February



Within literacy this week, we have been writing our own versions of Thorfinn the Nicest Viking by David MacPhail. Listen to some of these below: 

Thorfinn the nicest Viking and the orange invasion

Still image for this video

Thorfinn the nicest Viking and the violent voyage

Still image for this video

Thorfinn the nicest Viking and the violent Viking

This video is being processed

This may take several minutes. Once the processing is complete, the video will be shown here.

This video is being processed

This may take several minutes. Once the processing is complete, the video will be shown here.

Week commencing 1st February 



With Mrs Elliott, we have been discussing events in the Christian calendar. Last week, we learnt about the celebration of Candlemas. We discussed the significance of candles in religion and made our very own origami candles. 


This week, we have been discussing Ash Wednesday- which will be taking place on Wednesday 10th February. We thought about the story behind this celebration and learnt how Christian may celebrate this time of year. 

Week commencing 25th January 


In Literacy, we have been looking at the story Thorfinn the nicest Viking and the awful invasion. We have thought about the characters within the story and used hot-seating to investigate them further. 

When we went to the woods on Friday, we continued our role-play moving (or stomping) around the woods as the characters. We then built our own Viking ships ready for the invasion! 


Buddy reading! 


We really enjoyed buddy reading with reception this week! Have a look below at some of our pictures. 

Buddy reading

Week commencing 18th January




In computing this week, we have been investigating the different ways we use technology. We investigated using the Garage band app to make music on the Ipads. 

Circus skills! 

Here some of us are, enjoying our 100% attendance award:


In Science, we discovered that magnets have a North and South pole. We investigated these, using the words 'repel' and 'attract'. Miss Bridges wondered which pole was stronger so we experimented with paper clips to find the answer. 

Investigating the strength of magnets


We have been focussing on using the column addition for adding this week! We started by using out knowledge of place value to add numbers using the Base 10 equipment. We then learnt to use this understanding in our written methods, and finally applied it to finding the perimeter of shapes around school! 

Week commencing 11th January

In Maths, we have been thinking about different types of angles including acute, obtuse and right angles. We have been investigating these in shapes and objects around us! Can you spot any angles in these pictures around school?  

Week commencing 4th January

Happy new year! We have settled back into school life well this week, beginning our new topics in each curriculum area. 



In Maths we have been learning rounding to the nearest 10, 100 and 1000. We enjoy Maths at Manea because it is fun! In our Maths starters we have been practising converting measurements. Some of us found it very hard but we got it in the end. 



In English, we have been learning about explanation texts and we have been comparing them with other types of text. 

History/ Art 

We have already begun looking at the Vikings, thinking carefully about what we would like to learn this unit. We have thought about where the Vikings came from and looked at some pictures of Viking long ships.


In Art we will be learning about different painting and printing techniques. On Thursday we looked at both powder paint and water colour paint and created these interesting Viking long ship paintings. We think they look really effective. 

 The children are very excited for swimming this half term. Don't forget our first swimming session is on Tuesday 19th January

Week commencing 14th December

This week we have all been feeling very festive in Ash class! We have been busy making lots of Christmas crafts that will soon be coming home for you to see. On Monday in Maths, we worked hard to find out how many presents were received in total in the song 'Twelve days of days of Christmas'. Some children even extended this further by investigating how many legs there would have been within these presents. 



Our Christmas hats

Making our Christmas decorations



In English we have been continuing our learning on play scripts. The children have been working in groups to write and perform their own play scripts based upon the story of Ug by Raymond Briggs. On Wednesday they applied all of this learning in writing their own play script for the picture below. 


Here is an example of one of the children's fantastic play scripts! 

Alfie: Hello snowman I have never seen you before.

Snowman: Who are you? (putting his hand out) I am the snowman

Alfie: I am Alfie (shaking his hand) 

Whiskers: Hello I am Whiskers. WOOF!

Alfie: Well I cant stop I will see you in the morning. 

Snowman: Bye

Whiskers: WOOF! Bye

Alfie: (goes into the house) Mum I met a talking snowman!

Mum: No you did not (says to dad) Oh that kid, where does he get his ideas from?

Dad: What nonsense!

(everyone goes to bed)

In the morning... 

(Alfie gets dressed brushes his teeth and goes outside)


Alfie: (cheerfully) Snowman can we go on an adventure?

Snowman:Of course! We can fly. 

Alfie: Awesome 

Whiskers: Can I come? WOOF!

(Alfie and whiskers jump on the Snowmans back and fly

Alfie: we are flying through the air!


(when Alfie got home he went to bed)

(in the morning Alfie looks through the window and the snowman has gone)

Exciting news: 

In Ash class, we have developed a real love for outdoor learning. This week we were particularly excited to have a visit from Mrs Stevens who showed us the start of our new KS2 outdoor area- which will  even be equipped with a new mud kitchen! Stay tuned to see updates of how this develops further. 

Our new outdoor area

We would like to wish you all a very merry Christmas and a happy new year!

Week commencing 7th December

We have had an exciting week this week. We thoroughly enjoyed walking to the Church to watch Year 1's performance of the nativity. We would like to say a big thank you to all of the parents who came and helped us on our journey. 




In Maths this week we have been looking at fractions. We have concentrated on finding fractions of numbers. Here we are using practical equipment to help us. 

Finding fractions of quantities

Week commencing 30th November 


In English we have been learning about play scripts. On Thursday, we investigated whether narrative or play scripts were easier to use when acting.

Erin says "We thought that the play script was easier because you knew when to speak." Theodore adds "We noticed that play scripts didn't use speech marks but the narrative did."




On Friday we became rock detectives and looked around schools at the different types of rock. We discussed how rocks and used and thought about the properties they have. 

Rocks around us

Week commencing 23rd November 2015



On Monday this week we sorted facts and opinions, ready to begin our newspaper unit. 



Leoni explains " A fact is something that tells you information and is true". 

Theodore adds "An opinion is somebody's thoughts about something. It might say think, good/bad or might". 





On 25th November 2015 something tragic happened. Miss Bridges was out on break duty when her croissant was stolen from her classroom. She was left feeling devastated. With a trail of crumbs and a puddle of water, Ash class are still investigating who stole it. Mrs Stevens, deputy head teacher of Manea school, said "Mrs Elliott went to the toilet during the staff meeting". Furthermore, Mrs Loynes, office manager, added "Mrs Froggatt does love croissants". 


Watch your croissants! 

Interviewing potential witnesses

Our news bulletins

Still image for this video

Breaking news

Still image for this video


Still image for this video

Week commencing 16th November 2015

We have had another busy week this week, trying hard  in all of our lessons. On Wednesday we had a great time in P.E working on our Hakka dances with Mrs Boardman and Miss Froggatt! 


Into the woods... 

On Friday we put on our wellies, wrapped up warm and headed to the forest with Year 1. We had a great time using natural resources to make  our dens. Some of us were even thinking about building emergency exits. Whilst we were there the children also considered metaphors to describe the trees. 

Both year 1 and year 4 have been looking at recounts in Literacy this week. We decided to work together to write recounts about our trip to the woods. It was really lovely to see the children working together and helping each other out- Although some of the year 4's were amazed at how small Mr Lenton's chairs really were! 


Throughout Maths this week, we have been learning about addition. We have discussed the methods we already know and thought about solving calculations mentally. We then learnt about adding through the column method and used resources to represent exchanging and regrouping.



With Mrs Elliott, we have been learning about the different features of the church. This week we focussed our learning on stained glass windows and made some of our own. Keep your eyes open as you come to the front of school and you may be able to see them! 

Week commencing 9th November 2015


Today we became scientists, using magnifying glasses to investigate a selection of different rocks. We then thought of different ways to sort the rocks. Some of us sorted them according to their size or colour whilst others began to think about their texture. 


"In computing we were thinking about codes and telling the computer what to do. We have been on two different websites and we have been making characters move by inputting different codes. The first week we went on Shaun the Sheep, where we had to make the character jump. This week we have been making Elsa and Anna ice skate to make different types of shapes. Miss Bridges was not happy because all of the children beat her score!"

Week commencing 2nd November 2015. 

Author visit:

"This week,on the 5th November, we were visited by an author called Steve Smallman. When we heard about our author visit everyone was talking about who it could be!  As well as being an author he was also a very good illustrator and he drew some pictures of the characters that we created, ready for us to write a story!"

Our trail with Pine class

Before half term we created a trail around our outside environment for the reception children. We thought carefully about what kind of questions would be most suitable to support their current learning. We based our questions around Biff, Chip, Kipper and Floppy and asked questions from all aspects of the curriculum including: shape, counting, colours, animals and thinking about what a character would say. Here are a few pictures of us completing the trail with them this week. 

Our trail with Year R


Kai says... 

"BREAKING NEWS, this week in Maths we have been learning about measurements including mass and length."


Tabitha adds... 

"When we were learning about measurements we had to work as a team on our table to estimate and measure objects". 

Measuring in metres and centimetres...

On Friday, whilst learning about mass, we compared the weights of different objects and displayed our findings in a bar chart. 


In English this week, we have been looking at different poems that create images. Our favourite poem was Chocolate cake by Michael Rosen. On Wednesday we performed some of these  poems using instruments, actions and thought about how to add expression when reading. Erin says "My group also used their hands  to make sound effects!". Katie-Rae adds  "When we were performing the poems I used pencils to create different sounds". 

Week commencing: 12th October



The children say... 


"This week in Maths we have been learning about 2d and 3d shapes. We have been making 3d shapes using straws, cellotape and scissors. We had to recognise the properties of the shapes before we could make them e.g. the number of vertices, faces, sides and the number of right angles. Although it was tricky at the  start we managed to get it near the end. When we were finished our first shape we went onto making a more difficult shape. Some of us made a pentagonal prism!"


Our current  Literacy topic is Information texts. We have been looking at the features of these texts and have been conducting lots of research on the Stone Age so that we can write our own non-fiction texts next week. 

Week commencing 5th October


On Friday we all had fun getting our hands muddy and planting some more plants in our class planter. 


In Maths this week we are looking at division. We have been thinking about using different methods and practical equipment to represent a problem. 

Week Commencing: 28th September



We have been continuing our unit on light and shadows. Today we investigated "How do shadows change throughout the day?". The children came up with the idea for the investigations and discussed how we would make it a fair test. Here are some of their methods: 

Have a look at our results! 


In Maths this week we are looking at multiplication. We have been learning different methods for solving problems including repeated addition on a number line, using arrays and partitioning ready for the grid method.

Playground multiplication

We are now  working towards choosing the most suitable method for the question. Furthermore, we are also practising applying our knowledge of the times tables to our multiplication problems. 


We have been learning about Stone Age homes in History this week with Mrs Elliot. We thought careful about the sorts of materials that would  have been used to build homes within the Stone Age period and discussed the properties of each of these materials. In Art we used our knowledge to create collages using natural resources found on the school field. Have a look at some of our work below. 

Stone Age homes

Week Commencing: 21st Semptember 



In Literacy this week we have continued our learning on stories with imaginative settings. We have been writing our own stories based upon "The Lion, The Witch and The Wardrobe" By C.S. Lewis. 


First we created our own imaginative settings. We thought carefully about what we wanted to see when we entered the wardrobe and drew these using all of our senses. Some of our settings were very scary whilst others chose to create dream worlds and sweet lands. 


Our imaginative settings

We  also created our own characters that would be entering our settings through the wardrobe. 

Our characters

Finally we put all of our ideas into our story plans. We cannot wait to write our stories next week! 

Some of our story plans

Welcome Meeting

Thank you to everybody that attended the welcome meeting this week, it was lovely to see so many faces there. A letter will be coming home shortly for all of those parents/ carers who were unable to attend. 

Week commencing:14th September


In our Maths lessons this week we have been learning different methods for solving addition problems. Towards the end of the week we thought about the equals (=) sign and worked to balance our equations.


We have now begun our History unit on the Stone age. Today the children each wrote on a post-it note what they already knew- lots of the children said they didn't know anything so we have lots to learn! We spoke about the range of sources we could use to find out about a period in History and then used pictures to gather information. The children were really great at picking out information and discussing how reliable they thought the sources were.

Using pictures to find out about the Stone Age.


The children say: 

"This week Ash class has enjoyed History- learning about the Stone age. We learnt that people within the stone age period blew paint around their hands to  create hand stencils. We all loved Art because it was very fun to use charcoal and pastels to make different effects for our cave pictures. We had different designs to make the cave paintings. First we had to scrunch the paper together, then we had to rip off some bits of paper to make it look like the cave walls. After we used our resources to create the pictures. Have a look at them below."

Our Stone Age art


In our Dance lessons we are thinking about 'cold places' linked to our class text of The lion, the witch and the wardrobe. In today's lesson we warmed up by moving liking penguins. We then created short sequences by creating snowflake balances and linking them with short movements and jumps. 

Week commencing 7th September


We have started our new Science unit on light. Today we have been investigating shadows. We looked around our outside environment for different shadows and thought about how they had been made. Here are just a few of the shadows that we found: 

We have also been discovering how light travels through different materials. We used the words opaque, translucent and transparent to sort a range of materials. 

Testing materials

Welcome to year 4! 


The children have made a great start to their learning this week and are already settled into their daily routines. Here is what they have to say about their first few days as year 4 children:  


"Ash class are enjoying our new school year! During our first day we learnt a new fun game called “Keeper of the keys!” it was really entertaining being very sneaky. We have enjoyed all of our lessons with the new adults in our class, including thinking about Britain and what Britain means to us. Please look at the wonderful pictures of our British artwork below.  We’re looking forward to the rest of the school year ahead"