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WB 27.09.21


In Literacy this week, we have been using our knowledge of farms and farming to help us write recounts. Pretending we were farmers, we wrote about our day. We tried hard to use time connectives like 'First' and 'After that' and write in the past tense - this meant we were writing about something that had already happened. On Friday, we looked at some of our friends' work and talked about what we thought they had done really well. 



In our Maths learning this week we have been ordering numbers and comparing amounts using the language of greater than and less than. Part of our maths challenge this week was to find and order a random selection of numbers!



This week we have been learning all about human and physical features.  We have had a focus on the different physical features we find around the world.  We have been labelling and describing lots of these and discussed how they are man-made places. 

