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Friday 5th Feb


Duration: 15 minutes

How would you teach somebody else to persevere? Think of three things you could say which would help. E.g. 

  • “You can do this! It might be hard, but if you keep trying, you'll get there.”
  • “you have the skills to succeed!”
  • “You can find strategies that work for me!” 


SPELLINGS (Homophones x2)

Duration: 15 minutes


Please practise your spellings. The words may not be very challenging, but knowing when to use them correctly is. Instead of simply spelling them, you should write them out in sentences so you are practising the word and the meaning. Alternatively, see if someone can read out a sentence so you have to identify the correct spelling of that word. 


Duration: One hour


Learning Objective: To be be able to recognise and use determiners in writing. 


Please watch the video. Stop it and make notes if you want. 

What are Determiners? | English Grammar Lesson



Identify the determiners in the following sentences. Check your answers. Then have a go at filling in the missing words using the list of determiners provided. Again, the answers are there for you. 

CHALLENGE: Can you write your own sentences using general and specific determiners? 



Duration: 20 minutes

We have been great reading detectives this week, inferring information by reading between the lines. Here is another text for you to use to make inferences. 

Read the text and then have a go at answering the questions below. 


1. Who or what caused the destruction in Rory's house? How do you know? 

2. How does Rory feel? Go through the text and pick out all of the clues we have about how he was feeling. 

3. What do you think Rory's intentions weere as he walked up the stairs? What made you think that? 

4. Estimate how old you think Rory is, what clue helped you with your estimation?


Duration: 15 minutes




Bleak and lifeless.

Too poor to produce much or any vegetation. 

The site of the village was located in a barren, rocky, mountainous region. 


Some deserts are more barren than others. 


What a desolate place this barren land is. 


Despite the land being poor and barren, I spotted a vulture flying overhead. 


Millions of years ago, the earth would have been a barren planet. 


Now have a go at writing at least three of your own examples. 




Duration: One hour



On Monday, you practised finding a half of a number. Today, you will practise finding a quarter by halving and halving again. Have a go at the examples below. Remember you need to halve and then halve again. 


For example: 


12 - 6 - 3 (Half of 12 is 6 and then half of 6 is 3) So 3 is a quarter of 12. 

44 - 22 - 11 (Half of 44 is 22 and then half of 22 is 11) So 11 is a quarter of 44. 

Learning Objective: To estimate the answers to word problems. 


This week, you have been practising estimating answers by rounding numbers. Today, you will solve word problems using estimation. The sums themselves are not difficult, but you need to make sure you are rounding numbers accurately in order to get the best estimation. Have a go at the following ten questions and then mark your work. 


CHALLENGE: Can you write your own word problem and ask someone to solve it using estimation? 


Duration: One hour


Learning Objective: To learn about fire prevention and fire safety. To know what to do in an emergency. 


Starter: What can fire do? List as many ideas as you can. 

Super Smart Fire Safety Rules for Kids

Fire Safety: What Every Child Should Know

Please read through the following sentences. You should decide whether they are true of false and give reasons for each one. The answers are underneath. See how many you get right. 


1. You should only use matches or lighters with adult supervision. 


2. Only leave lit candles for a short amount of time. 


3. Fire brigades advise that a house has at least one smoke alarm per floor. 


4. Smoke and heat stay low to the ground. 


5. If your clothes catch fire, remember to 'Stop, Drop and Roll'. 


6. If there is a fire extinguisher nearby, you should try to put out a fire yourself. 


7. If you can't get out of the house in a fire, go into a room, shut the door and put blankets or towels at the bottom of the door. 


8. Candles should be lit near an open window to aid ventilation. 





1. False. Children should never use lighters or matches. 


2. False. Lit candles should never be left unattended. 


3. True. 


4. False. Smoke and heat rise, so staying low to the ground will help you see more clearly and breathe more easily.


5. True. Dropping to the floor and rolling around will help to put the fire out. 


6. False. Get as far away as possible from the fire as possible and let the firefighters put out the fire. 


7. True. This will stop smoke from getting into the room. If there is a sink in the room, wet the towels or blankets. 


8. False. A gust of wind could blow the curtains towards the flame of the candle and they could catch fire. 


CHALLENGE: Can you think of your own true or false statements. 


Duration: 20 minutes


Quickly answer these questions without thinking too much about it: 


Do you think you should be paid for doing chores? 

Which ones? 

How much should each be worth? 



Now discuss these questions with someone: 


What chores do your parents do every day? 

Who pays them for doing these chores? 

Do you think doing chores teaches you anything? What? 

Do you remember the video we watched about how a Navy Seal said if you had to do one thing every day, it was to make your bed? What was the message behind this video? 

What age do you think chores should start for children? 

How many different types of chores can you think of? 

Can you think of one chore you could do that would help your parents? 


Now go back to the original question - Do you think you should be paid for doing chores? Has your answer changed at all? 




Duration: 10 minutes
