Week beginning: Thursday 19th March 2020
Good morning everyone
We hope you are all well and looking forward to working independently for a while. We will both be here to guide you through the work you need to do and we hope you will keep in contact with us and let us know how you are getting on. We will, of course, be able to answer any questions you have or address any concerns. Every Thursday we will upload the work and instructions to this page. This is what we expect you to complete in the week. It will be up to you to organise your time and I’m sure your parents will support you in this. It will also be a good idea to organise a folder for your work. Please make sure you keep all your work together. When we return to school, we will take your folders in to look at what you have accomplished. The really important thing to remember is that all of your folders will be different. There will be no directive (like in class) on layout and style. It will be up to you. You organise your work how you want and many of the tasks will be up to you to present how you want.
As already stated, every Thursday, we will upload work. It might be a good idea to check this page every Thursday night. That way, you can plan what you will do Friday, Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday, ready for more work to be given the following Thursday night. As both of us have to upload work, you might find that if you check the website too early, only one of us has managed to do this. If subjects are missing, please check the site again later. Do not worry though – we will never forget to set it!
By next Thursday, we would like you to accomplish the following:
Complete the first two Grammar Hammer worksheets. Check your answers afterwards with the answer worksheet. Look at the answers you got incorrect and revise those areas.
Maths – Complete the first three co-ordinates sheets.
Follow the link to play a co-ordinates game. Make sure you practise with all four quadrants.
Science – Your final page in the pack is a sheet asking you to complete your own information guide on an organism of your choice. Please do this. If you would prefer to create your own fact-sheet and not use the sheet provided, please do. Remember this is now open to your interpretation. We don’t mind how the work is presented to us.
Mrs Wordsmith – Write ten sentences using the word ‘voracious’.
Geography – Create a table/fact-sheet/leaflet on the top ten tourist attractions in South America. Make sure you include their name, exactly where they are and why you would want to visit them. Again, this is up to you to decide how to present it.
RE – Make a list of five crimes. Around each crime brainstorm who might be affected by it. What is the Christian view on crime? What is the Buddhist view?
History – Search 'Mayan Masks Powerpoint Primary Resources' and read through the powerpoint on Mayan masks. Then use the knowledge from your research to sketch or create your own Mayan mask.
PE – https://www.gonoodle.com/ Use the link provide to explore go noodle, which is full of free resources for exercises that you can do indoors!
Any questions at all then please do message us on the class email. We will be checking it every day.
Stay safe. Stay well. We miss you.
Mrs Causer and Miss Miller