In our learning walk this week we have been thinking of ways to challenge ourselves using our outdoor environment. We have had some great ideas. We thought very carefully about what bear might light and created a tree house in the building area, the challenge then went to create a ladder to get to the treehouse! A tent was then decided on by another group which proved trickier when they had to add a top to the base. The potion area then enabled us to create a potion to help Baby bear turn everything blue! Language throughout the learning involved 'that is tricky because...' 'we have to really challenge ourselves to do this as it is very hard!' and 'Keep trying, we can do it!'
In other news we have been continuing our challenge approach in the classroom, we have been creating with the playdough, cutting and sticking and using our new construction area. We have been learning new sounds and also developing our awareness of night and day. We have also been finding out about nocturnal animals. This has been very interesting and we have enjoyed using our forest school areas to develop our awareness and understanding.
Please see the home link information above with useful support that can be used at home to develop understanding and secure knowledge.
If you require any further information, please do not hesitate to email Mrs Stevens on
We went on a nocturnal animal hunt to see if we could find any clues......