This week it is...... 'All about me'. We are working on a keyword 'I' when we start our recount sentences in our diaries and are saying our sentences before we write using this keyword - for example..... I went on a dog walk.
We are also starting to write a book all about ourselves. We will be writing our names and drawing a self portrait. We will then be discussing who are within our family and representing these in our books.
Our number this week is 5 - have a look at the power point below to support this work. In our guided session we will be playing the game 'find five' 5 groups of different objects are hidden around the outdoor area. We then have to find these. When the objects are brought back discussion will focus on if we have collected them all - if we need one more or two more to total 5 and then counting to make sure.
In our phonic work we are continuing with the letter sounds s a t p i n m d and blending these sounds together to make different words such as sat, tin, map, pad etc.
A very, very busy week!