Governors are at the core and heart of the school's work and are the school's accountable body. They are a group of people who work voluntarily and help by making informed decisions which are in the children's best interests. It is made up of five groups
- parents
-the community
-local authority and
- associate governors
It is hard work being a governor but so very rewarding. It is a commitment of time and interest.
The Governing Body's job overall is to help raise standards of the school. At Manea the governors work effectively with the Headteacher and staff so that at times of celebration we can collectively enjoy their achievements, and when there are difficulties we can assist the school and perhaps challenge it in its decision making so the very best decision can be made.
So that we can do all of this work to the very best of our ability , we gain knowledge from our termly visits to school at "the staff governor link visits, " monitoring the work of the school either in small groups or 1:1 meetings or the committee meetings. We also visit the school during the school day.
We attend governor training regularly which the Local Authority hold in our locality.
Each governor has a Link Member of staff and throughout the year they get to find out the new developments of the school and how that have impacted on the member of staff, the subject the member of staff manages, or what the children in their year group are experiencing. They will of course come and visit events in school day.
The Governing Body meets once every half term. The minutes are taken by our Clerk. These minutes are available to parents and school staff.
On occasions some governors meet as a small group for example in the Pupil premium meetings, the Business and Education committees.