Hello Beech Class!
I hope you’ve all had a brilliant Easter and you have enjoyed the lovely weather that we have had. I am missing you all very much. I can’t wait to all be back at school together. This is my very favourite time of the school year because I get to spend so much of it talking about how amazing the children in my class are and all of the things you have learnt this year. With you all I have so much to say already! The amazing attitude to learning that you have all shown at school has continued at home and I could not be more proud to be your teacher.
It has been lovely to read about some of the ways that you have been helping others or making people happy! I love the idea of creating a rainbow on your window to thank all of the people working in the NHS and to cheer people up! I’ve been reading about new puppies, movie nights, planting flowers, sending instructions to your friends in Beech Class and helping to clean windows.
Keep being your fabulous, kind-hearted selves. You’re all brilliant!
This week we are going to have a bit of a recap of multiplication. It’s been great to see so many of you using Times Table Rockstars. Keep up with this! Some of you are getting really fast. It’s so important to be able to answer multiplication and division questions in the 2, 5 and 10 timetables quickly and almost without thinking, this will help you to solve trickier problems when you come across them.
Have a look at the document below to remind you about arrays. I have been building arrays with things in my home, then I started to notice some things in in my home were already in arrays. Have a look at the document below to remind yourself of arrays. I wonder what you could use to build arrays or if you have anything in your home that is already in an array.
I have written you some multiplication questions to practice, you will need to build or draw arrays to help you to solve these.
One of your brilliant friends from Beech class has also been extending their maths learning using ‘The Maths Factor’. The website is free to sign up to and has dedicated areas for different areas of maths. It’s a great resource and has been updated in recent weeks for home learning.
This week I would like you to read ‘Pirate Poems’ on the Oxford Owl website. The easiest way to find this is to log onto https://www.oxfordowl.co.uk/for-school/oxford-owl-ebook-collection and search ‘Pirate Poems’. I loved some of the rhyming words in some of the poems, I wonder if you can spot these too.
I would like you to choose your favourite Pirate Poem to copy into your handwriting book- you might want to do a few lines each day as some of the poems are quite long!
There are no acrostic poems in this book, which I think is a shame. I would like for you to make an acrostic poem to add to the book. You can choose any pirate word you like. I have a few ideas but as always I’m sure you can come up with some more! I thought of; pirate, shiver me timbers, walk the plank, Jolly Roger, captain, treasure and ahoy matey. If you can send me a photograph of your acrostic poems I’d love to add a few to next week’s webpage for your friends to read. I wonder if you can make any of your lines rhyme.
There are some examples of acrostic poems here https://www.kidzone.ws/poetry/acrostic.htm if you would like a recap of what they are.
I have added a reading task grid below. You can use this to choose which reading tasks you would like to complete.
Over the next two weeks we will be focussing on science. We will be learning about food chains. This week I would like you to share some of the things that we have already learnt with your family at home, this will help you next week when we move on to learning about food chains.
At the start of the year, we learnt about food and nutrition. We learnt that animals and humans need food to survive and we talked about the different food groups. I wonder if you can remember them. Think about the EatWell plate. Have a look at your dinner, can you name the food groups on your dinner plate?
We also recapped some of your learning from year one and talked about which animals are herbivores, carnivores and omnivores. Can you remember what these words mean? Can you think of any examples?
Before Easter, we learnt about the ‘Super Six’, the six things that we look for to prove that something is alive. Can you remember all six and the funny actions that you came up with to go with them?
I would like you to find an interesting way to share this learning with your family. Maybe you could make a book or a poster. Maybe you could create a video. Maybe you could create quiz questions for your family.
I have added some links and documents below that you might like to look at to remind you of this learning.
Lots of you have been enjoying taking walks with your family which is a great way of keeping active. You could join in with Joe Wicks PE lessons each morning or have a go at some cosmic yoga. I have added a link to a pirate cosmic yoga.
Keep up all of your hard work.
Take care,
Miss Pritchard