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Tuesday 23/2/2021

Good Morning


Today's Zoom meeting is at 1 O'clock. Please make sure you follow the correct email link, for Tuesdays. 



- We will be discussing today's Literacy. Please bring with you ideas for why people would want to live in Manea. 

- We will start reading our new book! 

- Please think about any questions you have for this week's learning. 


Remember you should be completing at least four hours of home learning today. Here is a suggested timetable for you: 

Collective Worship 


Explore the questions below: 


What is happiness?  What makes a person truly happy? Can you buy happiness?


‘ch’ making a ‘k’ sound

These words all contain the letters ‘ch’ making a ‘k’ sound.  There are not many words like this.  They do not follow simple rules and just need to be learned. Please practise these at home. 


Starter LO: To apply my knowledge of the seven times tables. 

This week, in our starters, we are practising our seven times tables. Remember, if you get stuck, you have things in your home learning packs which might help. Don't forget to keep using TT Rock stars too. 


Try the problem below: 

Main LO: To round numbers with one decimal place to the nearest whole number. 


Recently, we have done lots of work on rounding numbers to the nearest 10, 100 and 1000. We are now so secure on the concept, that we are going to apply it to decimal numbers- and round these to the nearest whole number. 


Click here to watch today's lesson with Mr Whitehead from the Oak National Academy. 


During the lesson, Mr Whitehead will ask you to complete the following independent challenges: 



An additional Challenge: 


Starter: To uplevel sentences. 


Have a go at up levelling the sentence: The road ran past a field, using the sheet below for guidance. 

Main: To plan an explanation text- create sub-headings. 


At the end of this week, we will be writing an explanation text with the title: 


Why do people want to live in Manea? 


Today we are going to make a start by thinking about what makes Manea a great place to live. 


- Write down at least five reasons. 


Can you group your ideas into sub-headings?  e.g. Things to do, Places to walk etc.  There is no need to write the information today, just write down at least five different sub-headings. 


Please bring your ideas to today's Zoom meeting as we will brainstorm some of our ideas together. 

Guided Reading

Watch today's video with Miss Bridges to warm yourselves up with some vocabulary practise! 


Then we will think about how we can use the skill of skimming and scanning to help us refer to the text when answering questions. 


Task: answer the following questions about the text 'How we digest food'.


Class Story

Introducing our new story

The Spiderwick Chronicles, The Field Guide- Chapter 1

Mrs Wordsmith

Today we are going to revisit words that we have learnt over the last three weeks. 


Use the template below to play a game of noughts and crosses with somebody in your family- or perhaps if you speak with other children in Ash class, then you could play it with them over the phone or zoom etc. 


Take it in turns to choose one of the pictures- if you can use it in a sentence which makes sense, then you can claim that square as yours with a nought or cross. Keep playing until somebody gets three in a row. If you need help remembering what they mean, look back at previous week's home learning pages. 



                                                         Our new French topic is... 

At the cafe! 







Here is the new vocabulary that you will learn during today's lesson:


To access the learning resources for your French lesson please visit the Language Angels website by clicking HERE


Click log in and sign in using the details below in the home school area.


Username:   ManeaC1355

Password:    lahome


Intermediate Level Challenge,

Au Café 

Lesson 1


There is an interactive Powerpoint for you to use like we do in class and some interactive games to try. 


Using what you have learnt, complete the following task. Try to do it without using the word list above. 
