This week, we have started the new topic of Greek myths in literacy. We began by brainstorming everything we knew about them and then we watched a few and discussed them as a class. The pupils then looked in detail at some of the characters and, at the end of the week, they created their own Greek myth character. We will be continuing this topic until half-term, so please feel free to talk about Greek myths or read some with your child.
In maths, we have been practising adding and subtracting using the column method. As this is such a key skill that the children will need their entire lives, we will be revising this regularly. Towards the end of the week, we linked addition and subtraction to word problems - both one and two step.
The children have worked hard and have, of course, continued to enjoy their topic work and P.E. lessons.
We look forward to speaking to you next week at Parents' Evening.