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Year 4 Maths

Please check the colour challenge your child should be completing in their homework book.

Friday 7th July 2023

Have a go at completing these questions on line graphs which we have started looking at in our Maths lessons this week.

Friday 30th June

Blue challenge

Green challenge

Red challenge

Friday 23rd June

Create a time table of your normal day, writing the time in words and using digital 12 hour time e.g.


Wake up, 7 o'clock in the morning, 7:00am 

Brush teeth, quarter past 7 in the morning, 7:15am

Get dressed, half past 7 in the morning, 7:30am etc.


Convert each of the times for your day into 24 hour digital time e.g.

End of the school day 03:15pm -> 15:15.


Friday 16th June

Blue challenge


Green challenge


Red challenge

Friday 9th June

Please complete a few practise multiplication checks in preparation for next week. Click on the link below:

Practise multiplication check



Friday 26th May

Please complete practises for the multiplication test and keep practising your times table facts at home.

Homework tasks - division facts for your times tables.

Blue challenge


Green homework


Red homework


Friday 19th May

Times table challenge time! See if you can complete the following grids:

Blue challenge


Red challenge

Friday 12th May

Spend some time practising your 9 times table this week. Focus on learning the facts so that you can recall them really quickly!

Blue group



Friday 5th May 

Spend some time practising your 8 times table this week! Focus on being able to recall the facts really quickly!

Blue homework

Green homework

Red homework

Friday 28th April

Spend some time practising your 7 times table this week. Focus on being able to recall the facts really quickly!


Keep practising the multiplication tables check using the link below:

Blue homework

Green homework

Red homework

Friday 21st April

Spend some time practising your 6 times tables this week. Focus on being able to recall the facts really quickly!

Blue homework

Green homework

Red homework

Friday 31st March

Spend some time over the Easter holidays becoming really fluent with your times tables ready for the multiplication check in June. Complete some practise multiplication checks on the above link and spend around 15 minutes each day practising on TimesTable Rockstars.

If you have a particular times table you struggle with, use Hit The Button to rehearse that particular set. 

Tips for practising times tables

Watch this video for more tips and tricks to learn your times tables at home. You might want to choose one you find tricky to master over the Easter holidays.

Friday 24th March

Complete the challenge of your colour and 15 minutes on TimesTable Rockstars. Or, have a go at practising a times table check using this link:


Blue homework

Green homework

Red homework

Friday 17th March

Please complete 15 minutes on timestable rockstars in Garage Mode. Then complete your challenge below.

Blue challenge

Green challenge

Red challenge

Friday 10th March

Please log on to TimesTable Rockstars and do 15 minutes in Garage mode. If you need a reminder of your log in please email your class teacher.

Complete the times table worksheets below for your colour challenge.

Blue challenge


Green challenge


Red challenge

Friday 3rd March

Friday 24th February

Friday 10th February

Your homework this week is to complete the 12 x 12 times table grid as quickly as you can. Record the time of how long it takes you. Then, complete at least one soundcheck round on Times Table Rockstars and record your score out of 25.

Friday 3rd February




Friday 27th January

What is a fraction? This week's homework is recapping your knowledge of what a fraction is and how to write fractions that are represented in images.


Please also complete a Soundcheck on Times Table Rockstars as part of your times table practise and email your score with your homework.




Friday 20th January

Chunking method for division. Please use this method to answer the questions on your challenge sheet.





Friday 13th January 




Friday 6th January 2023


This week's homework is focusing on practising your 7 times tables. Please practise your 7 times tables by chanting them to yourself or with a grown up at home. Then complete your colour challenge below.


Please log on to Times Table Rockstars and complete some practise questions in Soundcheck Mode. Email your score to your teacher with your homework. If you do not know your TimesTable Rockstar log in please email your class teacher.




Friday 16th December




Friday 9th December 2022





Friday 2nd December 2022




Friday 25th November 2022






Friday 18th November 2022 

Watch the video to remind yourself of what perimeter is and how to calculate it.



Perimeter - KS2 - Year 4

This video teaches children how to use addition to calculate the perimeter of a rectangle.

Blue Challenge

Green Challenge

Red Challenge
