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Pine Class - Year R

Each week we will upload information about the activities that the children have been taking part in at school.  We will also add a home learning link for you to continue the work at home - this may be through additional activities that you find to do or through discussion.  No more 'I can't remember' as you will have insight into the week!  Please also refer to our lockdown learning pages in order to access additional phonic and math work.


If you require any further information please email the class page on



Please see below our home learning information whilst on lockdown. A whole week overview will be provided in one document.  There will also be a video introducing the work each day for you and your child to watch.  Please email any work and questions to  Many thanks for all your support at this time and stay safe.



                                 Our Classroom Visual Timetable

Welcome to the Reception Class Page!  At the top of our page you will find our isolation pack, should your child be isolating due to COVID. Below this you will find our weekly news.  These include home learning links each week.  Should you require any further information please email:

w/c 14th September 2020

A wonderful start for all reception children


What an amazing start to the year for the children.  They have been investigating the environment and shown interest in the activities offered to them.  It was a pleasure to see how well they have worked together and we have been discussing that our main job is to be the best team in the land!  One important thing to remember as a team is to listen to each other and to help each other.  The group have been enjoying the bike area, the large building area, the duplo and most of all the den area where they made a wonderful picnic!

Our new sandpit is amazing and we have enjoyed using trucks to tell stories in it. We have Zoo in the duplo area so have watched a 64 Zoo Lane episode to see what different stories we could make up.

We have created handprints which will then be used to identify helping hands when we are all together again!

One other thing we have been working on together is WASHING HANDS!  We are now very good at this!


Well done everyone.  


Please see below the home link information for this week - if you have any questions or would like to share any comments that your children have made,  don't forget to email - we look forward to hearing from you!



w/c 7th September 2020


w/c 7.9.20


It has been wonderful to meet you all during this week and show you around the reception environment.


We are looking forward to starting the school year with your children and seeing their all about me boxes.  We have set the classroom up with different activities that we already know your child enjoy and will adapt these throughout the next few weeks.


We will see you at 8.45 - 12 on your part time days and full time on Friday with your staggered starts!


If you are choosing school dinners, please ensure that you have signed up and identified the meal you wish your child to have on parent pay.  If you have any issues with this please contact the school office.


Thank you for all your support and see you next week!


Please email any questions that you may have on 















This week we are continuing with our work on being safe.  We have been very safe during our forest school work and have used secauters to make our own wands. We were able to cut the length of our wand and then decorate it.  We then discussed what magic we could use to help Tinkerbell!  In our number work, Mrs Goude has challenged us to make wooden number lines,  We have to use the willow that we have collected and bend or weave it into the shapes needed to create the numbers 0-20.  We then talked about what number next and what one more or one less it.


In our treasure hunts this week we are adding describing words to what we find and then adding connectives such as and to the sentences.  


We have really enjoyed creating our own fairies in our foraging work and have used many different materials to create with.  We have taken our time and looked at the shapes and different colours to make sure that we use the best materials for the job!



This week we have been working very hard with our safety skills.  We have been working hard in our PE sessions to learn how to safely throw and catch.  We have talked about how safe we are and how we would need to improve.  We have been creating necklaces and wands for Peter Pan and Tinkerbell.  We had to use very tricky tools including 'loppers'.  We were very safe and Mr Lenton and Mrs Goude are very proud of us.  We are also working on safety circles this week - where we talk about who we could talk to if we felt sad, unhappy, worried, scared or not safe.  We all have lots of people we can trust!


The main part of our learning has involved lots of listening and talk which we are all getting very good at.  We now know that we can get lots of wonderful ideas from our friends to help us in our learning!



The Week started in an amazing way...... A visit from a pirate!  We learnt lots of pirate facts and played lots of pirate games - even walking the plank!  Back in the classrooms we created our own pirate flags and then added them to our pirate ships and also followed instructions to make a pirate hat!


For the rest of the week we are creating recounts of our pirate experience day, discussing what we liked best and why.  We will be writing these using our phonic and keyword knowledge and then sharing with our friends.


In our maths we are working on length - we will be discussing the length of different objects, what are the longest or shortest objects and then discussing different ways of measuring.  We will then be ordering crocodile bones!


In our forest school we are continuing with lopping and will be developing our skills in creating different wands.  We will then use our knowledge of length to see who has made the longest!


We have lots of photographs from our pirate day - we hope you enjoy them as much as we did!



Welcome back!  The children have been writing their recounts about their holiday news.  It has been wonderful to find out what they have been doing and also seeing how confident they are in their writing.


In the environment we have been very lucky and Mr Robinson has created us an amazing new mud kitchen - it has even been awarded 5 splodges!  We cannot wait to use it to create some feasts for the Lost Boys.


We have also been altering our own classrooms - creating more focus on the Peter Pan story and investigating the characters in more depth.  


What a busy week!



This week we are developing our Peter Pan focus.  We have decided that we need to help Peter Pan hide his treasure in our outdoor area.  We are now creating maps to show Peter (Not Hook!) where we have hidden them.  We made the maps using tea to stain the paper and this week we are creating directions across the outdoor area!  


We are also creating wish jars.  We are using tissue paper to colour jam jars which can then have wishes added - hopefully these will come true!  We have also sewn stars to help Peter find his way back to Neverland.


We have a special celebration event this week which we are really looking forward to - our very own class assembly!  We have learnt a story using actions and cannot wait to show our families what we have been doing.  We can then show our parents around our room and celebrate our work.  We cannot wait! 




Our Peter Pan work has continued this week.  We have discussed how we want to develop our work and set up lots of activities around our classroom.


In our writing we are writing lists about the lost objects that Tinkerbell has found.  We are also writing captions about the characters in the story.


In our maths we are sorting Captain Hook's treasure and also creating patterns with lost things.


We are also creating paper for maps and also lanterns using hammer and nails.


We are looking forward to sharing all our work with you during our assembly next Thursday.





After our exploration about the creature we then came to an idea that it was a crocodile.  There is a very funny crocodile that it could be - the crocodile from Peter Pan!


We have been investigating the story and the characters.  One of our favourite parts of the story is when the children write a map on Mr Darling's shirt.  We have created our own treasure maps and have spent time hiding treasure for our friends to find.


We have looked at a book of maps and are now creating a map of the island.  In our PD session we acted out parts of the story and have been imagining what else we could do if we went to Neverland.


I our learning walks we will be discussing what we want to learn and how we want to use our environment.



This week we are completing our main focus of the mysterious creature.  Our discussions are about..... what else can we create for the creature?  Why should we create this for the creature?  How will it help him?


Our first discussions have involved enabling the creature to find his parents - we have been looking at how he could get there and how we could help him.  Imogen used the Ipad creating program to make a fantastic car and Alice then decided that she wanted to keep him healthy too so made a wonderful machine that we could put fruit on.


We are then writing captions about what we think the creature is and what it's features are.


In our maths work we are investigating some new maths equipment that we are able to use in our outdoor area to help with our addition and subtraction problems.





Following on from our inspiration day last week where we had to investigate clues left by a mysterious creature we are developing our ideas even further.....


We have created pictures, models and also a whole class representation of what we think the creature would be and we are now discussing where it could live.


We have come up with many different ideas including a cave, on the ice and under the sea.  In our outdoor areas we are developing these ideas further by creating homes for the creature and learning a new joining knot that Mr Lenton is teaching us.


We have all decided that the creature is lost and cannot find his family and have come up with lots of ideas to make him happier:


  • We could make him some food, cupcakes, chocolate cakes, hot dogs, sausage rolls, pizza and ice cream!
  • A nice hot chocolate.
  • Somewhere to sleep – a nice bed or a nest, toys, it must be big!
  • A Cosy cave
  • A house out of bricks, a nice bed out of wood!
  • Read stories to him
  • Make up some stories in the sand that he would like to listen to


What else could you think of?





What a wonderful start to the year.  The children came back to school with lots of enthusiasm and discussion about how wonderful their holidays were.


We have been having discussion using the homework tasks that have been worked on - the class have compared what was the same or different to their own Christmas celebrations and have also discussed what they enjoyed best - opening presents - spending time with our families - eating lots of yummy food - playing with our toys - playing with our families.  What a wonderful time - we have also been discussing how lucky we all are to have these wonderful things and experiences.


We have written our favourite thing in our diaries and have amazed all the grown ups about what we have remembered.  We used keywords, sounds, finger spaces and full stops!


We have been working on number games and talking through the language that is used in subtraction - taking away!


We have also been working with our friends - we have been listening to their ideas and trying to work out games and activities with them.  Two children have been trying to create the best balance, following on from our work in PE, They worked in the block area, persevering until they were successful at the best balance yet!  Well done!



This week we are continuing the Christmas focus by helping Mary Poppins get ready for Christmas.  We are creating lots of towns and villages that santa will have to visit.  We are doing this in our block area, both inside and out.  We are also creating the most amazing sleighs and then writing notices to inform our friends about them.


In our maths we have been developing our awareness of positional language.  Our Christmas elf is helping us!  We have to find where he is each day and then say where it is using positional language.  We can then play hide and seek with him - we have to then give our friends clues about where he is hidden and then see if they can find him!


We have also been looking through our learning journeys and discussing what we are very proud of and giving it a gold star.  Mrs Stevens gave us all gold stars for our diary writing as we have used lots of sounds to help us.


We are very excited about our Christmas holidays and are looking forward to sharing our work with our families.  We are also having a holiday task to bring back after the holidays - it is a discussion starter for our work after the holidays.



WOW!  What a week we have had.  The Christmas festivities have started in force now.  We loved the pantomime last week and enjoyed talking about our favourite part of it.  We have also really enjoyed our school disco this week.  We danced with our friends and had a really good time.  We have then also been completing our Christmas printing tasks.  This term we have been developing our skills in printing and have then decided to create our cards and calendars using this skill.  We have used finger printing to outline a Christmas tree and a handprint for a calendar.


We have also been supporting our friends in year 1.  We have learnt lots of new songs and have watched them perform the nativity story.  They were amazing, they had learned lots of lines and we can't wait to do it next year!  In our phonics we have worked hard with our friends on our 'quickwrite' game and have used lots of our new sounds in our writing. 


We also found a hedgehog in our trike track.  We looked after it and made lots of different homes that he might like - even adding notices to help other people know what it is for!  We then continued with this focus in our classrooms.  We used the making table to create pictures and homes, we used the duplo and the bricks to create wonderful habitats and we found out some facts about hedgehogs.  Did you know they are  nocturnal?  That means that they like to come out at night and sleep in the day.  If you see a hedgehog you are very lucky!



We have decided to help Mary Poppins and the birds that she loves so much.  As it is nearly winter we have decided to create bird feeders.  We are very lucky that we have a bird hide in our outdoor area so we have looked carefully at where we can place the feeders to enable us to see the birds when they feed on them.


We used cherrios and threaded them very carefully onto string.  We then looked at where we could place them and tied them carefully on the trees. We then discussed how we can record the birds that we see.


We have also been writing our Christmas lists!  We have used our phonic knowledge to write these lists and then shared this information with our friends - talking about our likes and dislikes.  We have also been using our positional language to describe where our christmas elf is hiding.


What a busy week!





We are making supercalifra....... istic (You know the song!) potions for Mary Poppins.  They are to help the children.  What will they do?  What will then enable the children to do?  Will it make them laugh, grow tall, fly etc.  


Lots of discussions took place about the different potions that could be made and how we can use different things to make them.  One of our favourites was using petals.  We had to count the different objects that we put in and talked about whether the potion bottle could be full, empty or half full. 


Once the potion was created we talked to our friends about what we had put in and what they would do.  We then talked about a label that could go on the bottle and used post it notes to write the name of our potion on it.




This week it is all about Addition!


We have had discussions in our carpet time which was very interesting - the question was 'What is adding?' Lots of ideas took place, 'it is about numbers' 'it is about numbers getting bigger' 'you can add tomato sauce to your dinner' 'it is like blending sounds when we add them together'.


We then played the sandcastle game together and talked about how we could solve the problems that it was posing.  We found out that we had to add all the shells together to find the total.  This meant that we had to take our time counting, say the number names in the correct order and then stop when we had counted them all.


We also had the chance to play our favourite 'spotty dogs' game.  In this game we had to take turns and share, count out the dogs that had the correct amount of spots and then count out the bones that were in the basket.  On our second go we had to add the bones together to find the total!


We have also been carrying on our Mary Poppins work.  Last week we used our phonics to create a list of the objects in Mary's bag  and also on Friday we talked about making kites and what to use to make them stick best.  We are carrying on with these activities this week along with making labels for our creations in the outdoor area.

Our Mary Poppins Challenge this week.........


Mary had been to the kitchen and found lots of objects that Bert could use to create music with.  Our job was to help him!

We had to investigate the objects, listen to the sounds that they made and then create music with them.  

We made loud sounds to be heard over the cannon, quiet sounds to send the children to sleep and then decided to create a poem that we could sing when we were playing the instruments.


Mary, Bert, Michel and Jane

like the music and to play games

pictures from chalk

lots of talk

Loud and quiet

Lots of fun!

Mary Poppins has a shop!



This week it is all about money!


We have created a shop for Mary Poppins and have put objects into it that Jane and Michael would enjoy working with.  We then played a coin game on the computer which showed us the many different coins that we could use in our shop.  We then looked at the different coins we have in our classroom and discussed their shape, colour and size.  All the coins have different names - 1p, 2p, 5p, 10p, 20p, 50p, £1 and £2.  

In our shop the shopkeeper has one set of coins and the customer has another set.  They have to then match the different coins to pay for the objects.

We also used 1p coins to pay for different objects that Mary really likes.  A puppet and jigsaw were our favourites.  We had to look at the cost of the object, say what the number is and then count out the correct amount of 1p coins to pay for it.


What a wonderful week!

4th November 2019



This week we are working on a design and technology focus.  We are investigating different ways of sticking things together and talking about what works well and what doesn't.


We decided to create something for Mary Poppins.  We had lots of different ideas.  Perhaps we could make a turtle, an umbrella, a bridge, some food or a house.  We then decided on creating some penguins as they made us laugh so much in the film!


We worked in our groups and listened to the ideas of our friends.  We cut and created together and made some amazing penguins!



A fantastic start to the new term!  We have enjoyed talking about our holidays and all the wonderful things that we have been doing.  


At the end of last half term we started to create our own diaries and this week we have started to write in them.  We have decided what we wanted to write and then listened to the sounds in the words.  We then began to use the letters to create words.


We have also worked hard on our PE - trying very hard to get changed on our own!


We have then been finding out about Supertato's friend - Christopher Pumpkin.  He is very funny!  Our week then entailed investigating, counting, drawing, creating and writing using Christopher as our focus!





Our last week of this half term!


What an amazing first half term we have had - lots of investigating and learning new things.  The evil pea has been very tricky but we have really enjoyed working on different challenges that he has set.


Our favourite activities have been to create shape pictures, assemble traps, create new homes, machines to trap the pea and also vegetable printing.


We have learnt the routine and expectations of being at school and Mrs Stevens is very proud of all of us.


Thank you for all your support, enjoy half term and we look forward to next half term with more exciting activities.




This week is all about birthdays!  We are investigating two books that Floppy has sent to us - they are all about Kipper and how he enjoys birthdays.  We predicted what we thought the story would be about using the front cover and the title.  We then looked through the book, using the pictures as clues to help with reading.


We talked about our own experiences of birthdays, what we enjoyed and what we looked forward to.  We thought about all the things that we would need if we were to have a birthday - the cakes, presents, food and cards.


We have been developing our awareness of writing our own names, forming the letters correctly and used this to write an invitation.  We then developed our fine motor control in using scissors carefully.


We have also been on many shapes hunts this week and discussed what shapes we could see in our environment - we created presents with the mobilo - did you know that we could see squares, circles and oblongs in the bricks?


What a busy week!



This week we are continuing with our evil pea and Supertato work.  The evil pea hid all of Floppy's magic keys and we had to find them and create maps to show where they were.  Floppy was so pleased with our work that he sent us a present - JELLY!


We have been making jelly in our class and watching how it changed.  It melted into small cubes when we added hot water.  We told Mrs Stevens that she needed to be very careful when using hot water!


We then watched the jelly harden again - we said that it went very watery and also then became rubbery.


We were then able to play with lots of jelly in the tuff spot - it was very sticky, squidgy, slimy and smelt lovely.


We were then able to take a small jelly home with us!  But there were no evil peas stuck in our jelly!



This week it is all about 'veggies assemble'.  We are investigating different vegtables and are beginning a printing exploration!  We will be printing different vegtables and discussing what we see.  We will then choose our favourite and reprint on material - this will then become a whole school project!


We are also developing our understanding of papermache and the different ways we can describe it - how it feels, smells and looks!  Lots of wonderful language has been used.  Once we have completed our paper mache work then we will create a new supertato and evil pea.


We are also working on collecting and counting evil peas, saving objects from the ice and also creating different evil pea stories using the blocks.




This week we have been sent a book from Supertato.


We predicted what we thought the book may be about and used pictures as clues.  We then investigated further and found out that it was a book about nursery rhymes.


We found lots of nursery rhymes, some that we knew already and some that we found out about.  We then used some actions to develop Humpty Dumpty, 5 little ducks, 10 fat sausages and Incy wincy spider!


As part of our writing focus we have been recording our favourite nursery rhymes and explaining why!


Ask us what our favourite was and how we have been working on them this week - we even created an evil pea game to practise!



This week we have been continuing with our work on learning our new environments and have been carrying out initial phonic and maths work.  One of our favourite stories so far is Supertato - we really like the evil pea!


We have started to look at ways that we can help Supertato to capture the evil pea and have created jails and traps!


We have really enjoyed learning how to make dens with the big blocks and how to keep safe!  

Welcome to Reception!


What an amazing first week we have had.  The children have all worked hard on investigating their new environment.  Each day they have talked about what they have enjoyed and what they want to learn next.  


We have been into the hall and worked on our listening skills during our movement activities and had a great time!


Some of the things that we have enjoyed most were discussed at the end of the sessions......


I loved working with the horses and making a station for them.

I enjoyed making a story in the bridge area

I enjoy building

I loved working in the den area

The water area is fun!

I enjoy dressing up and playing in the house


We have been very proud of how well the children settled in and have really enjoyed working with them.


Thank you for all your help and support in settling them into school.
