What a busy week! We are finding out ways to make 5 - seeing that there is not only one way was amazing! In our literacy we have been applying our sound and keyword knowledge when writing our diaries. We have written super sentences!
In other work we are focusing on developing our challenges for Zog - as it was cold in our outdoor area we have thought of ideas how to keep Zog warm. We have then used our imagination to create houses, fires, hot food and dens.
We are also looking at how we can be kind. We are looking at how many ways we can be kind with our friends in all of our work. We are also discussing the people that we know we can ask for help - those who we trust - we will then create a paperchain to share with our friends.
In our forest school we are going to be creating a rainbow to cheer Zog up as we will not be able to see him or help him next week!
Please see our home link document to support learning at home and if you require further information, please email
Mrs Stevens on pineclass@manea.cambs.sch.uk
Miss Denton on cherryclass@manea.cambs.sch.uk