Dear Parents and Carers,
I am sure there are many mixed emotions going through both yours and your children’s minds at this moment in time. One of the many strengths at Manea School is the embedded positive well-being of our school community.
Bearing this in mind we have a few questions we would like you to complete together to enable us to support a successful positive well-being return to school.
Once you have completed the questions, please forward them on to your class teacher (
These will provide the focus for open ended conversations where your child’s voice can be heard, helping us all to reconnect build on relationships and routines. Creating opportunities to increase resilience by children realising oh I am not the only one who feels this way, paving the path for them to speak about their thought and feelings.
Short Questionnaire
What does your and your child’s day look like?
What has gone well?
What has been challenging?
Is your child worried about anything?
Many thanks for your time, and we look forward to welcoming you all back.
Julie Burton
Family/Pupil Support Worker