Welcome To Pine Class!
We are very excited about showing some of the wonderful things that we do at school.
We will also put on here some ideas that can be continued at home.
from Pine Class
A week of celebration. We have been writing our memories of Pine class and looking through our learning journeys. We have been discussing our favourite activities and taking part in ones that we vote for. We have also been celebrating at our end of term disco.
A well done certificate and medal were given to the class for their first year at school.
Well done Pine Class.
A most wonderful start to the week - our school trip to Church Farm. 'The best day ever' was said by Lexi. We enjoyed a visit around the animals, information from the keepers, activities on the play areas, building in the sand area, exercise in the hay barn and a fantastic ride on the tractor to feed Figgy.
We will now be spending some time writing our recounts and discussing ways to represent our favourite parts of our visit.
We have received the following email from a happy parent!
My wife and I would just like to say WELL DONE to all those that worked the Pine Class School Trip to the Church Farm at Stow Bardolph. Our child was SO excited to go and was exhausted upon his return--which is always a good sign all went well! Also, we took a look at the Manea School Web Page and it looks great! We are so very pleased our most important people in our world go to such a great school!
This week we received another story sack from Percy. It is called the Bad Tempered Ladybird! We really enjoyed the story and then acted it out with the props. We then used our bug hotel to develop our understanding of different mini beasts. We will be going to year 1 soon so have decided to create a display for our new classroom - it is about BUGS! We have used printing and the 2simple package to create our favourite. We are now deciding other ways that we could represent these and will add them to our new display.
Percy has been very poorly this weekend. He asked for our help. He needed a way of watering the plants without moving from his chair.
We used drainpipes to create a new watering invention. We worked together, listening to each other in order to solve the problem.
Percy was very pleased.
A very exciting week - the butterflies have hatched! We were amazed to see our five butterflies hatch. We are now deciding where would be best to set them free. We have also been very excited about our new book - 'The Treasure Hunt'. This book is helping us identify different features of our environment that may work well for the butterflies. We have also been trying out our very own metal detectors to see what treasure we can find. Investigating our environment is great fun!
On Friday to celebrate our hard work in the production we decided where would be best to set the butterflies free. We found an excellent spot at the end of the field. It had long grass near it which the butterflies would enjoy. We can't wait to see if we spot them over our break times.
Wow what a hardworking week.
We have been set two new challenges this week - a planting challenge and a keeping healthy challenge. For the planting challenge we needed to create a planter for the outdoor area. As we have been investigating caterpillars (who are now cosy in their cocoons) we decided to use the story 'The Hungry Caterpillar' as our focus. We worked hard planting and creating the planter and we hope to have it ready soon.
For keeping healthy we have had a challenge from Percy to help him keep the animals healthy. We needed to discuss, create and taste test a healthy kebab. Lots of different fruits were used -some of us tried fruits that we had not tasted before. It was all very yummy!
Percy was very pleased with all the hard work that we have done and we are very proud.
A fantastic cooking time in Pine Class. It started with Percy the Park Keeper setting us a challenge. He bought the class some pizzas but not enough for one each. We had to work out how to share. We decided to halve the pizza. This took a lot of care. We had to make sure that we both had the same amount. Before we were allowed to touch the pizzas we had to make sure that our hands were clean and we were wearing aprons. The pizzas were then cooked and we had a wonderful time munching on them in the afternoon. Our cooking then continued - we had a visit from Cooks on the move - they taught us how to make scones. YUM! A fantastic week!
This week we have been very lucky. Percy the Park Keeper sent us his favourite book - The Hungry Caterpillar. We read the book and acted out the story. We then received a special gift through the post - 5 little caterpillars. We are watching them get bigger each day and seeing whether they follow the life cycle that we have learnt.
As we liked the caterpillars so much we decided to create our bug hotel in our outdoor area. We are now writing labels and recording what we see in different ways.
18.5.15 This week we have visited our local park. We had a great time looking for areas that Percy may have been. We think that he had painted the horse and cut the grass but we could not see the flying lawnmower! We also flew hedgehog's kite. It was a windy day and we had great fun keeping the kite in the air.
We have also been able to develop our awareness of height. We have ordered various children in the class, seeing who is the tallest and who is the shortest. We then investigated lots of tall objects during our walk to the park. We have then been measuring plants - seeing what different things we can use to measure - our favourites were the cubes and the lego bricks!
11.5.15. This week Pine Class have been working very hard to help Percy the Park Keeper. We read 'Percy's Bumpy Ride' and discussed the different inventions we could make. We then created a workshop in the classroom where we work together to create marvellous machines. We then write the name of the machine and what it can do on a label. We have also been working hard with money to assist the Park Shopkeeper. We have worked on recognising, sorting and solving problems with money. Percy and the rabbits then set a new challenge for us - to find out about plants. We investigated the plants in our school environment and have started to grow carrot tops and runner beans. Next week we will be visiting our local park, travelling along the track by the woods and pit, to see the different plants. We will also look at how our park is the same or different to Percy's.
Our forest school visit this week - 7th May - involved a wonderful celebration of all the things that we have been working on. We had a wonderful time and finished the session with a hide and seek game - our very favourite!
Our Science weeks (27th April to 8th May) started with a special delivery - eggs! We then investigated the different animals that may come from eggs.
On Wednesday we found out .......... DUCKS! We had four ducks hatch on Wednesday and another one on Thursday. 5 little ducks! We have been looking after the ducks very carefully and then visited the pits to see a natural habitat.
5th May - The second week of our science focus gave us a special task from Percy the Park Keeper. He needs to feed the ducks when they return to their natural habitat but he has no coat!
We were asked to investigate the best material to create a coat for him. Lots of discussions took place about how we could do this and then we carried out experiments. Our findings will be shared at the Market Place on Friday 8th May at 3pm. See you there!
13th April - We are beginning to invesigate Percy the Park Keeper. He will be the main focus of our literacy work and will help us solve many problems that can occur in the natural world.
There are many Percy the Park Keeper stories that we will be investigating. The first one is all about Percy. In this we learnt that he does many things around the park and has to remember them all. He then sent us a mark making book that we can write in to remember all the things that we do!
20th April - Our next task has been to investigate what Percy is like. We have written describing words and also created our own images of Percy. We worked hard on our observational paintings. Percy is always very helpful and solves problems in each of his stories. We then decided to use our den making area to create new homes for the animals after the storm. This helps us work together and listen to the ideas of others.
We then decided to publish our opinions on the characters in the story. We used 2 simple on the computer to add pictures and text to inform others about our favourite characters. They are all wonderful and very funny.
27th April - This week we have been creating masks for our favourite characters! These will be displayed in our new homecorner area - Percy's shed.
Ways to help at home