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Meet the Governors

Mrs Jo Pope : Chair of Governors

A very warm welcome to Manea Community Primary School’s website – we hope you find out what it is you need to know but if you don’t, then please do contact us as we would be delighted to help you further.
We are immensely proud of the School and if you visit us you will know exactly why we feel that way. The School is calm and well ordered with children always really busy enjoying their learning. The teaching and support staff form a great team - passionate and innovative in their teaching methods and approaches while maintaining an atmosphere that is always friendly, safe, caring and hugely supportive.
The Governors are responsible for the vision, ethos and direction of the school and are ambitious for all of our children, wanting them to achieve the best possible individual outcomes. We hold the School Leaders to account for the educational performance of the whole school and for the individual children by a range of methods including:
·       visiting the school, talking to staff, pupils and parents and seeing for ourselves what’s happening
·       asking challenging questions during our visits as well as in formal meetings
·       undertaking regular and thorough analysis of pupil progress and attainment information against local and national benchmarks
·       listening to all of our key stakeholders
Being a Governor can be an immensely demanding and challenging experience but the rewards of seeing children develop and reach their true potential can be nothing short of exhilarating!
We welcome new governors who have the right skills and experience or who are simply keen and ready to learn. Vacancies do occur from time to time and a full training programme is available for those keen to serve, support and develop our school.
Jo Pope
Chair of Governors


Our Governors

Jo Pope :  Chair of Governors - Co-opted Governor - Term End 01.05.2027 -   DBS 16th February 2018


Frankie Lenton: Staff Governor - Term End 31.08.2025 - DBS 31st December 2012


Nicky Froggatt: Headteacher  - DBS  08th October 2011


Ellie Addison: SEND Governor - Term End 21.10.2025 - DBS  6th April 2018


Caroline Barnes: Co-Opted Governor - Term End 18.01.2026 - DBS 9th May 2018


Pete Townrow: Co-Opted Governor - Term End  14.12.2027 - DBS 10th May 2016


Katy O'Reilly: SEND Governor - Term End 15.01.2026 - DBS  28th September 2018


Adam Scarff: Parent Governor - Term End 21.11.2025 - DBS 1st March 2022


Theresa Usher: Vice Chair - Local Authority Governor - Term End 03.12.2024 - DBS 14th January 2021


Toni Sculthorpe: Co-Opted Governor - Term End 12.09.2026  - DBS 12th September 2022 



We now have all our meetings as full governors meetings with agenda items for one meeting each term being business focused, another being education focused and the rest all encompassing. 


Manea Governing Body are working hard to ensure the children at Manea Community Primary School are given the best opportunities and the school is led well. 

We have three meetings each term where we meet with the headteacher to discuss and challenge the school in its performance in all areas. We are all volunteers who want to invest our time and commitment to the school and the young people in our community. During the meetings we carry out our statutory duties as well as making decisions about the budget, property work and recruitment to the school. Performance data is a focus in all the education focussed meetings. 

We take part in interviewing for new members of staff, meeting with the current staff about their work and holding the leadership to account through reviewing the school development priorities. Each priority is monitored termly by the governors. We also have governors with specific responsibilities in safeguarding and child protection, Pupil Premium working party and a named governor as the link for children in the care system. 

You will see below the timetable for the meetings for this year. 



Manea Community Primary School Governor Meeting Dates for 2023 – 2024

(All meetings start at 6:30pm)


FGB                            Tuesday 12th September 2023

Business                    Tuesday 7th November 2023

Education                 Tuesday 5th December 2023

FGB                            Tuesday 23rd January 2024

Business                    Tuesday 5th March 2024

Education                 Tuesday 26th March 2024

FGB                            Tuesday 30th April 2024

Business                    Tuesday 4th June 2024

Education                 Tuesday 9th July 2024

Financial Information

Please note that we do not have any employees with a gross annual salary of more than £100,000

Click to see our school's financial data.
