It is science week! We are carrying out lots of investigations this week to help with our investigative skills which include floating and sinking, identifying similarities and differences and a footprint challenge. We are looking forward to sharing our work with you during the marketplace on Friday.
In other learning we have been developing our phonic skills by applying these to writing and reading in our diaries, phonic games and writing our favourite character from the Elmer stories.
In maths we have been using a numberline to count back which we are really good at!
Please see attached the home link document and if you require any further information, please email
Miss Denton on
Mrs Stevens on
Investigating how to help the ducklings..........
What will float? What will sink?
After investigating lots of different objects we decided that the fish and the tub would be best to help the ducklings learn to float - or they could use them as boats!
Our other investigations that were shared at our marketplace.....
We are very proud of two members of our team who received trophies at their Rugby awards.