What a wintery end to the week!
This week, we have been very busy, keeping up with all of our usual learning as well as beginning to prepare for Christmas . This term is flying by so fast!
In Literacy this week, we have continued with our core text of 'The Jolly Christmas Postman'. We have been using adjectives (Y1) and expanded noun phrases (Y2) to write Christmas lists in preparation for writing our letters to Santa next week. We have also been discussing and writing questions for Santa; we had hoped we might be able to ask him our questions in person, but owing to the time of year he was very busy and so sent some interesting facts to Mrs Goude who was able to put on her Santa hat and answer the questions in his place! This involved some very in depth discussions about how Santa gets into our houses, where he parks his sleigh and how his reindeers fly
In Maths, we have been working hard on some very tricky concepts. The Year 1 children have started to learn and order the numbers in the 'five count', while the Year 2s have been working on division and how this relates to multiplication.
In the afternoons, after Phonics we have been finding out about 'Pop Art' and in particular the artist Andy Warhol. We have explored some of his famous artworks and found out that he used printing to create the same image over and over, using bright colours. There may even be a 'Pop Art' themed surprise coming home in a couple of weeks, ready for Christmas!
Another busy, super, fun week... have a lovely weekend, everyone.