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Friday 29th

SPELLINGS (Homophones)

Duration: 15 minutes


Please practise your spellings. The words may not be very challenging, but knowing when to use them correctly is. Instead of simply spelling them, you should write them out in sentences so you are practising the word and the meaning. Alternatively, see if someone can read out a sentence so you have to identify the correct spelling of that word. 


Duration: One hour

Learning Objective: To write your story in best. 


Today, you are going to write your story up in best. That means, you will be focusing on the presentation. Have a look at the examples below. You don't need to read them - I just want you to look at how they have been laid out. 

  • Now you are going to write your story. You will need the bordered paper that came in the pack we sent home. If you can't find this, some lined paper will be just as good. Or you could use blank paper and draw the lines on yourself. 
  • Please find a good pen. This should be blue or black. 
  • You will need a title to your story. Make sure this is written at the top, in the centre of the page and underline it with a ruler. 
  • Write the date in the top left hand corner and underline this also. 
  • You will now copy your story using your best handwriting. Make sure you write in paragraphs and you either leave a line between paragraphs or indent the first line of a new paragraph. See above for examples. 
  • If you make a mistake, cross it through lightly. 


Duration: 10 minutes


Learning Objective:


Warm up: to use inference. 

Read the following extract and answer the inference questions. 



Main: To answer questions about a text  

Read the whole of The City text again and have a go at answering the questions about it. Don't forget to look back at the text and evidence it whilst answering your questions. 

I've uploaded it as a video below incase you can't open the documents- just pause it as you read each part. 

The City.mp4

Still image for this video


Duration: 15 minutes




Having a stale, mouldy or damp smell. 

As soon as we opened the door, a stale, musty smell greeted us. 


It smelt of musty old books that hadn't been opened for years. 


I never want to go down to our basement because of the musty smell. It seems to linger on my clothes for hours afterwards. 


The cottage had a musty smell after being shut up for the winter. 


I coughed and spluttered as soon as I entered the abandoned house. You could see the dust particles in the air as the light streamed in and the musty smell caught in my throat. 


Now have a go at writing your own examples. 


Duration: One hour

Starter: Find the doubles of these numbers. The first one has been done for you. 

Learning Objective: To answer word problems involving perimeter. 


Please have a go at answering these four questions. The sums aren't particularly difficult, but there are lots of numbers and you have to add them carefully - that is why I've only given you four to do. With sums like these, you need to go back and work it out again to make sure you get the same answer a second time. Write your four answers down and then check them at the bottom to see how many you got right. 


Hint - We practised column addition with regrouping last week so you can add them this way. If there are too many numbers to add using the column way, break the shape up and add two sides at a time. Just remember to keep track of what you have already added. Some of you enjoy the challenge of adding mentally. You can have a go at this, but please make sure you add them at least twice to make sure you get the same answer a second time. The point of this task is to be able to find the perimeter of a shape, so you can use a calculator to help you if you need to. 


Watch this video to remind you how to find the perimeter. 

Perimeter of shapes

CHALLENGE: Can you create your own shape and word problem? 


Duration: One hour


Learning Objective: To know ways to stay safe as a pedestrian. 


Please watch the attached video. Have some paper and a pen (or a whiteboard and pen if you are in school) handy as there will be some questions for you to answer during it. 

Now watch the second attached video on road safety. 

The Moe Show - Road Safety

Have a look at these pictures and decide whether each one is a safe or unsafe place to cross. Try to give reasons for your answer. 

Independent task: Create a poster explaining about pedestrian safety. 


Medium - Focus on how to cross the road safely using 'Stop, Look, Listen'. 

Spicy - Create a poster showing safe places to cross the road. 

Hot - Create a poster which includes all the different rules we have looked at today. 


Duration: 20 minutes


What  makes someone 'popular'? 

What makes someone 'unpopular'? 


Have a think about the questions above and answer them quickly. 


Now, think about these questions below and discuss them with someone: 


What does the term being 'popular' mean to you? 

How do you know whether someone is 'popular'? 

Can you think of a 'popular' person you know? What is it about them that makes them popular? 

Can you think of an 'unpopular' person? What is it about them that makes them unpopular? 

Is being 'popular' something you can change? 

What could you do to make yourself more 'popular'? 


Often, the nicest people are the most popular. What nice things could you do for others? 


Think back to the two original questions - what makes someone popular and what makes someone unpopular? Has your opinion changed at all? 


Duration: 15 minutes
