Our wonderful work for Stickman
This week we are helping Stickman to write his Christmas lists. He has a box of objects clues but he needs to write the words. We are going to use our sound knowledge to help him and write the words for him. This will also help us apply the skills we have been learning in our phonics.
In maths we are focusing on pattern. We are going to look at some patterns and how they can repeat. We have some large shapes to use and also a game on the whiteboard that can help us. The link is on our home learning information below.
We are also going to continue with our challenges around stickman - we have worked very hard in our areas outside, especially our trike track, block and forest areas and have come up with even more challenges to do. We have also been listening to our friends to see if they have any more ideas that we can use.
Finally we are learning about the Christmas story and how this has been told to many people for many years. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AhuKeFX9HpE. Our year 1 friends are learning the story so that they can share it with all our families. We are learning a song to help them in their work.
Please see the home link information below, please do not hesitate to email pineclass@manea.cambs.sch with any questions.