This week in Fir Class...
it has been jam-packed, but fun! We have started off our suspense writing topic in Literacy. The pictures above show some of the children creating freeze frames of our suspense story Alma. The children have been transfixed watching the short suspense clip and have written their own versions of the story today, from the perspective of another doll in the shop.
In Maths we have been working on multiplication, including long multiplication. It has been tricky for them on the whole, especially when applying their formal method to a problem solving question, but it is something we can keep building on as we go through summer term.
The class enjoyed rounders this week in PE, as well as cricket with their sports coach in the fine outdoors! In PSHE, we have been looking at healthy eating and I was very impressed with how much the children knew already about nutrition and the different food groups. We did have fun clarifying what certain foods were (muesli, fromage frais, ciabatta, haddock) when sorting into food groups.
Have a lovely weekend!