Good Morning
Remember you should be completing at least four hours of home learning today. Here is a suggested timetable for you:
Collective Worship.
Read this poem about happiness. Can you write your own poem which discusses what happiness means to you? What makes you laugh and smile?
Starter LO: To apply my knowledge of the seven times tables.
This week, in our starters, we are practising our seven times tables. Remember, if you get stuck, you have things in your home learning packs which might help. Don't forget to keep using TT Rock stars too.
Try the problem below:
Main LO: To partition numbers in different ways.
What does the would partition mean?
When we partition, we think about the place value of a number. For example:
1546= 1000+ 500+ 40+ 6.
But we can also partition in different ways. Click here to watch the BBC video on partitioning.
Starter: To uplevel sentences:
First, rewrite the sentence adding in modifying nouns or adjectives
Next, rewrite your sentence but include a fronted adverbial
Finally, rewrite the same sentence but add a subordinating conjunction and subordinate clause.
Main: To write an explanation text.
Today is the day where we are going to write our explanation text about Manea. What do we need to include in it? Have a look at the checklist below.
Guided Reading
LO: To read for pleasure- considering the author's intent.
What is your favourite book? Why? What do you enjoy most about books?
An author chooses everything about a book:
This is called authorial intent.
Authors also think hard about what they want their readers to feel when they are reading their books.
When someone reads a book and really likes it, they often read other books by the same author. This is because they enjoy how that author writes and how that author makes them feel.
For example: Lots of people enjoy reading Roald Dahl’s books because they know they’re usually funny, have interesting characters and will be written in a way that makes them feel happy.
Task: Watch the video on the BBC page, where the actor Aimee Kelly reads an extract from her favourite book, which you may have around your house.
Prepare a presentation, explaining why your book is your favourite. What makes it great? What did the author do that made his/her book interesting? Film your presentation and send it to us to share with others.
Mrs Wordsmith
Today we are going to revisit words that we have learnt over the last three weeks.
Use the template below to play a game of noughts and crosses with somebody in your family- or perhaps if you speak with other children in Ash class, then you could play it with them over the phone or zoom etc.
Take it in turns to choose one of the pictures- if you can use it in a sentence which makes sense, then you can claim that square as yours with a nought or cross. Keep playing until somebody gets three in a row. If you need help remembering what they mean, look back at previous week's home learning pages.
LO:To label the parts of a flower and know their functions.
Starter: Consider the question below and discuss your views:
What would it be like to live in a world without plants?
Would we survive? Can you think of a reason why it would be good to live in a world with no plants? What would be the negative aspects of living in a world without plants?
Main: Yesterday, we labelled the parts of a plant- but today let's think about the function of each of these plants. Watch the video/ slides to explore these:
LO: To begin to understand the features of human and physical geography.