WB 09.03.20
Another action packed week in Year 1...this term is absolutely flying past!
In Maths this week we have started to find out about fractions and have been working hard to find halves and quarters of shapes and amounts. This has included sharing out pirate treasure equally between two pirates so that both got a fair amount... let's not imagine what could have happened if we'd got it wrong!
In Literacy, we did some more amazing writing, imagining that we were Wendy, John or Michael from Peter Pan and explaining how we felt and what we could see as we flew over London to Neverland... as Peter would say, "Second star to the right, and straight on 'til morning!"
In the afternoons, we have finished our work on Blackbeard the Pirate and moved on to thinking about the oceans that the pirates would have sailed. We have worked hard to learn the names of each of the oceans (see the song below) and labelled them all on a world map. Some of us then extended our own learning by making a list of the oceans, finding each one on the globe and then ticking them off as we found them. What amazing self-directed learning!
Have a super weekend everyone.
This week in Geography, Year 1 have been learning about the oceans that the pirates sailed. They were very keen for me to share the 'Five Oceans Song' that we learnt this afternoon - the link is below!
WB 02.03.20
It has been a very exciting week for everyone in KS1. Not only did we have a special Pirate Experience Day on Monday but we also had all the fun of World Book Day on Thursday (see the 'Latest News' page for photos). We are all shattered after such a busy week!
In Year 1, we have been learning about 3D shapes and their properties. The end of the week was especially exciting because Miss Denton brought in marshmallows and cocktail sticks so that we could make our own! We used our models to talk about the faces, vertices and edges of each shape.
In Literacy we have been reading Peter Pan and have been thinking about the settings in the story. We have been writing descriptions of the Darlings' house using adjectives.
In the afternoons we have continued our History learning and have found out about pirate ships and all their different parts. We've also continued to learn about Blackbeard and worked in groups to create life-sized Blackbeards, surrounded by Blackbeard facts!
Have a lovely weekend!
WB 24.02.20
Ahoy me hearties! We hope you all had a lovely half-term break. We've had a great first week back at school and have enjoyed continuing to learn all about pirates.
In Maths we have spent the week reviewing all the things we have learned so far this year by taking some special quizzes on the Ipads. In English, the week got off to an exciting start when Mrs Johnson showed us a message she had found in a bottle on Hunstanton Beach! It was from Peter Pan, telling us all about the things he got up to at the weekend. We thought it would be a good idea to send messages back, so we wrote all about our half-term holidays and then tea stained our work to make it look just like Peter's!
In the afternoons, we have been finding out about life aboard a pirate ship; we didn't like the sound of ship's biscuits (which were hard and stale, and often contained maggots!) or the fact that pirate ships didn't have toilets! We also found out about Edward Teach, better known as Blackbeard, and can share lots of facts about this fearsome pirate!
In Phonics this week we have been looking at alternative pronunciations of some of the single letter sounds; for example, the way the pronunciation of 'g' changes in the words 'galley' and 'magic'.
We are looking forward to our pirate experience day next week and can't wait to tell you all about it!
WB 10.02.20
In Year 1 this week we have been working hard across the curriculum and deserve a well earned rest over half-term!
We have continued to work on division in Maths this week and were very happy when Miss Denton brought in Smarties for us to practise sharing into groups! In the afternoons we have had a Computing focus where we have found out how to start up, log on, log off and shut down, and we have also found out how to resize and move windows. On Tuesday it was 'Safer Internet Day' and we had some really thoughtful discussions about how we can stay safe on the internet. We were very surprised to find out that no-one actually owns the internet, after lots of brilliant suggestions for who it could be such as the Queen, Donald Trump, the government and the police to name a few!
In Literacy, we have continued our letter writing focus and have written some wonderful letters to Tom from 'The Night Pirates' (see below) - wow! In Phonics, we have been looking at alternative pronunciations for i and o (short or long vowel sound), as well as c and g (hard or soft sound).
Have a lovely half-term Year 1, we will see you in a week's time!
WB 03.02.2020
Another busy week in Year 1! Our Peter Pan/ pirate theme is still going strong and this week as well as describing pirates using '-er' and '-est' adjectives we have been writing questions for Tom and Captain Patch, using question marks to punctuate accurately.
In Maths, we have been using our 2, 5 and 10 counts to help us solve division problems. We have been working hard to develop our jottings to prove our answers are correct.
We have been really engaged in our Science learning during the afternoons, finding out all about the animal groups of amphibians, birds, fish, reptiles and mammals - we found out that the crocodile in Peter Pan belongs to the reptile group! We have worked together to create amphibian fact files and individually to make mini reptile information books. Miss Denton and Mrs Johnson have been VERY impressed with our Busy Learning, where lots of us independently chose to make 'All About Animals' books with pictures and writing.
In Phonics this week, we have been focusing on the Phase 5 split digraphs: a-e (as in cake); i-e (as in time), e-e (as in these) and o-e (as in phone).
Well done Year 1!
Mrs Johnson
On Friday afternoon Year 1 were very lucky to be invited to take part in a Circus Skills Festival at Neale Wade school in March. We were very excited to be travelling on the coach together, and did a fantastic job of following instructions when walking from the coach to the Sports Hall at Neale Wade (it is a much bigger school than ours!).
Once in the Sports Hall, we took part in an opening ceremony where we joined in with a group dance before having a go at lots of different circus skills. We practised balancing feathers, juggling, diablo, plate spinning and travelling on pedal gos, to name a few!
We had an absolutely wonderful time and Mrs Johnson was extremely proud of our behaviour as we represented our school out and about. Well done, Year 1!
W/b 27.01.20
In our literacy this week we have collaborated and worked really hard to create a story map of our own version of the story 'The night pirates' in preparation for our class assembly. We worked together to create different actions and gave Mrs Johnson ideas of what she should draw to remind us of the story. We practiced every day until we could retell the story with lots of actions. Although we were a little bit nervous, we all enjoyed sharing our story with you, and we hope you really enjoyed it.
Have a look at our amazing story board.
Ask your child to use the photo's to retell the story for you at home.
W.b 20.01.20
This week in our maths we have been learning all about multiplication. We have been thinking about the different words that mean multiplication, how to read multiplication sentences and how to solve them. We have been using equal groups to represent and help us solve the problems and applying our 5 and 10 count to find the answer.
In our literacy we have been learning how to use instructions and how to include and identify 'bossy' verbs. (we've even learnt the fancy name of imperative verbs)
W/b 13.01.20
This week Year 1 have been very busy investigation different ways of preparing food as part of our D and T. We talked about the types of things we would need to take with us if we were to go on adventure and search for the mystery creature. Food and drink was one of the main things we decided we would need and after lots of discussion we thought a healthy fruit smoothie, to give us lost of energy would be a great thing to bring with us. We then began our investigation for the best preparation method needed to make our fruit smoothie. in groups we had expert peelers, choppers, graters and blenders. Each group fed back to the class as to whether their method was successful, and as a whole class we decided blending was the best method. We then had a class vote on the fruit we would like in our smoothie. We voted for a strawberry, raspberry, apple and melon smoothie. We have great fun preparing the fruit and making the smoothie, and best of all we got to taste it. Great work Year 1!!
W/b 06.1.20
Well what an exciting start back to the new schools year. On Tuesday our forest school day was taken over by the visit from a mystery creature. The children enjoyed spending the day investigation the different clues left by the creature and have been sharing their thoughts and ideas about what it could be.
The children have then spend time designing and drawing their idea of what the creature could be. Then as part of our Art they used Model Magic to mould and sculpt a 3D replication of their creature design.
W/b 09.12.19
Well the Nativity performance is finally here, and just like the opening song said "We've practised hard, we've learnt our line, we've sung these songs 100 times" and it was finally time to perform in front of all of you at Manea church.
WOW!!!! Year 1 you were truly amazing and made me very proud, you all sang along to all of the songs, you remembered all of your lines and positioned yourselves where you needed to be right on queue. You were all AMAZING!!
We hope you all enjoyed the performance as much as we enjoyed doing it.
W/b 2/12/19
This week in our maths we have been learning all about the properties of 2D shapes. We have talked about how 2D shapes are flat and draw. We have looked at naming the shapes, counting their sides (straight or curved lines) and their vertices (where two lines meet to create a point)
We have then been using shapes to create pictures for Mary Poppins.
We have also been very busy practicing the nativity, getting ready for our performance for you next week. We are very excited.
W/b 25.11.12
It has been another busy week in year 1. This week in our maths we have been learning to count in 2's. We have been ordering and finding the missing 2 count numbers. We have also been thinking about a top tip to help us to remember our 2 count... 2 count numbers end in 2, 4, 6, 8 or 0!
In literacy we have been learning all about adjectives, and how they describe things. We explored snow and thought of lots of different adjectives for snow, ready to write poems about snow next week.
W/b 18.11.19
This week in maths we have been practicing using tens and ones to make and represent different numbers. In literacy we have been authors and re-wrote our own version of Mary Poppins favourite story Dear Zoo. We really focused on using our phonics and spelling our tricky words correctly.
In D and T, we finished our sashes for the teddies by adding a 'Vote for Women' banner to them. We then all brought in a teddy and dressed it in our sash to show our support for the suffragettes.
W/b 11.11.19
This week Jane and Michael from Mary Poppins needed our help. They are very proud that their mum is a suffragette and they decided that they, and their teddies wanted to show their support. They wanted sashes to be made for their teddies.
Year 1 used their D and T skills to investigate different techniques for joining material together. We tried and tested using tape, staples, glue, paper clips and sewing. We talked about the positives and negatives of each and decided that sewing was the best option.
We have all then been learning and practicing how to do a running stitch to make sashes for the teddies. We then decorated our sashes with a 'Vote for Women' banner.
W/b 4/11/19
This week we had an exciting delivery in year 1. Mary Poppins sent of one of her favourite books 'Dear Zoo'. We read the story, listened to the song and joined in with the repeated phrases. We then worked in groups to act out the story. We had lots of fun being different animals and all recalling the repetative phrases.
W/b 28.10.19
Welcome back, I hope you had a wonderful half term break.
This week we have started our work around our new focus text Mary Poppins. We have been thinking about and creating lots of different fabulous inventions for all of the different characters. We have made food factories, magical farm and castles. we a re really excite to see where our Mary Poppins adventure takes us.
W.b 14.10.19
This week we have been learning about compass points. We have learnt a song to help us remember all 4 compass points. We have also been sharing some of the rhymes we know to help us remember
Never Eat Shredded Wheat
Naughty Elephants Squirt Water
We even tried to make up our own - Never Eat Socks and Wellies :)
Well done on a great half term Year 1 and have a lovely week break :)
W/b 7.10.19
This week we have been really challenging ourselves to solve a mixture of addition and subtraction number sentences. We haven't let Miss Denton trick us as we have been taking our time to read the number sentences and think about how to answer it. We used number lines to help us.
Wow year 1 SUPER MATHS WORK!!!
W/b 30.09.19
THE BIG REVEAL. Well now that our tie dyes are all dry it was time for us to reveal the patterns we had made and discuss the changes we could see. The children noticed different colour changes and notices some shapes and patterns in our designs.
We have also been busy in literacy writing captions about things we have been challenging ourselves with during busy learning, and in maths we have been learning how to use number lines and counters to solve subtraction problems.
W/b 23.09.19
Wow tie dying is great fun!!... this week we have been tie dying as part of our whole school art project.
Firstly we used fruit and vegetables to make dye. We observed and hypothesized what we though would happen when we added water to blueberries and beetroot, and talked about what differences we noticed between using hot and cold water.
We then looked at different tie dye patterns and the different ways that we could knot our material.
Next was the fun bit... we dyed our material.
WATCH THIS SPACE... the big reveal will happen next week... We cant wait to see the wonderful patterns that we have made.
W/b 16.09.19
This week in our literacy we have been learning about how to write lists. We created lists of all of our favourite things in our all about me boxes, and then we created lists of all of the new 'Super fruit and veggies' that we wanted to create to join Supertato on all of his adventures.
In our maths work we have been learning to count in tens all the way to 100 ... WOW!!
W/b 09.09.19
In our maths work this week, year 1 have been learning about how to make number bonds to ten. We have been using numicon to help us find lots of number pairs that bond together to make ten. We have also discovered a top tip... We have 10 fingers so they can help us with our number bonds to 10.
In literacy we have been writing labels for the objects in our 'All about me' boxes and all of the different resources in our classroom.
W/b 03.09.19
Welcome back year 1!! I hope you have had a wonderful summer break. We have had a super start to year 1, and have spent some of this week sharing our 'All about me' boxes with our friends. We have shared our favourite toys, places, people and things to do.