This week each class has spent time exploring their focus book for Book Week. We have practised writing command sentences, using apostrophes and making bullet point lists. We have then written instructions based on our books.
Cherry Class have been exploring Aliens Love Underpants. Elm class have looked at The Day the Crayons Quit. Beech Class have focused on Where the Wild Things Are.
Beech class have been looking at word problems this week and have been using their RUCSAC method to help them. They have also completed their Spring term Maths Assessments. Elm and Cherry classes have been looking at number lines and have worked hard to estimate where numbers go on an empty number line.
This week we have started our Geography block. We have been using the atlases to find and label continents and oceans. We have also looked at the countries near the equator and their climates.
Book Week:
This week has been Book Week and we have loved all of the reading activities we have taken part in. We decorated our doors to reflect our chosen books and loved coming in to school dressed as our favourite characters.