Level 1
Draw and label the troll from The Three Billy Goats Gruff.
Level 2
Create a wanted poster for the troll in the story.
Level 3
Create a new character to be part of the story. Write a description of what they look like and if they will help the goats or want to eat them.
Level 1
Use the blocks to work out number bonds to 20.
Level 2
Can you share the items into 2 groups?
Level 3
Practise the 2x tables.
Spelling – Beech Class
written | wrote | action | actual |
again | age | animal |
Phonics – Elm and Cherry Class
o making ‘u’ | |||
some | done | mother | above |
se making ‘z’ | |||
please | cheese | choose | praise |
se or ce | |||
dance | choice | purse | horse |
ey | |||
donkey | valley | money | honey |
Friday 26.1.24
This week our Literacy homework is based on The Three Billy Goats Gruff.
Level 1
Retell the story of The Three Billy Goats Gruff.
Level 2
Create a comic strip of the key event in The Three Billy Goats Gruff. Include pictures and short sentences.
Level 3
Write down the key events from The Three Billy Goats Gruff in order. Use conjunctions to add detail and extend your sentences.
Level 1
Use the more than > less than < and equal to = symbols to compare the numbers.
9 14
20 19
17 5
18 19
10 20
15 6
Level 2
What groups can you see? Are they equal or unequal groups? Draw 3 sets of equal groups in your book. You could choose any object to draw or could just draw counters
Level 3
Use the images to write down the repeated addition and multiplication equations to find out how many petals there are in total.
Beech Class spellings:
whole | wild | world | work |
worse | would | write | written |
Phonics – Elm and Cherry Class
Read through the words below. Can you find the sounds that we have been practising and add sound buttons to help you?
Friday 19th January
This week our Literacy homework is based on the book ‘Hermelin the Mouse Detective’ again.
Level 1:
Create a poster to promote Crunchy Flakes (the breakfast cereal that is being eaten in the story).
Level 2:
Write a postcard to tell someone all about what Hermelin has been up to.
Level 3:
Write your own story about ‘The Mystery of the Missing Moggies’. How might Hermelin help with this problem?
Level 1: Complete the number tracks to 20.
Level 2:
Use the prices on the images to work out how much the shopping would cost.
Level 3:
Calculate how much change would be given when buying each object with the coins shown.
£1 – 73p =
Phonics – Elm and Cherry Class
Read through the words below. Can you find the sounds that we have been practising and add sound buttons to help you?
Beech - Spellings
Rainbow write or pyramid write the words below (we have practised doing that this week in class).
This week our Literacy homework is based on the book ‘Hermelin the Mouse Detective’. This is the book that our work in school has been based on too. If you cannot remember the story, ask your parents if you can watch a video of it being read on YouTube.
Level 1:
Draw and label Hermelin the mouse. Can you use adjectives to describe him?
Level 2:
Write 2 sentences to describe Hermelin the mouse. Can you describe his appearance and personality?
Level 3:
Re-write the story of Hermelin the Detective Mouse. You could change the mouse to a different animal. What might he have to find?
Level 1:
Can you spot the numbers 11-19 around your house? Maybe you can see a number on a clock or can count out different amounts of Lego or pasta. Write or draw what you have found.
Level 2:
Can you identify the different coins and notes? Write down the number and then the amount shown.
Level 3:
How can you make 32p with different coins? Can you find 4 different ways to do it? Draw the coins or write the amounts in your homework book.
Friday 5.1.24
Literacy Level 1
Literacy Level 2
Literacy Level 3
Maths Level 1
Maths Level 2
Maths Level 3