Home Page

Cherry Class

Each week you will find a subpage where you can see photos of our learning, and homework to be completed. 

This page will be uploaded every Friday. 

Please ensure that all homework is completed by the following Wednesday, and photos are sent to Miss Denton on our class email 


I look forward to seeing all of your wonderful homework challenges, and I hope you enjoy looking through our weekly photo reel. 




Please see below our home learning information whilst on lockdown. A whole week overview will be provided in one document.  There will also be a video introducing the work each day for you and your child to watch.  Please email any work and questions to  

Many thanks for all your support at this time and stay safe.




Next half term, we will be learning about plants. You will either need; some seeds such as cress, cosmos or sweet peas (as these germinate quickly), beans, such as broad beans, or scraps from vegetables, such as a carrot or celery. If you would like to grow from a vegetable scrap, please have a look at this website for some more advice. 

Please have these ready to begin planting on Monday after half-term (22nd February) Thank you!

Welcome to

Cherry class



