Daily Timetable
Literacy - 45 minutes |
Guided Reading - 30 minutes |
Class Story - 15-20 minutes |
Maths warm-up - 15 minutes |
Maths main - 45 minutes |
Mrs Wordsmith - 15 minutes |
Spellings - 15 minutes |
PE - 45 minutes |
RE - 45 minutes |
Please also remember to complete your reading for 20 minutes a day. Once you have finished your reading book, complete an AR test using the useful links page (tree icon).
Also, please complete 10 minutes of consolidating your times tables and division facts by using TTRockstars. The link for this is also on the useful link page (tree icon).
Collective Worship
Today I'd like you to reflect on Mrs Revell's assembly from Monday about what we find funny. Think about one of your funniest memories to date and share that memory with someone. In return, ask the other person to share one of their funniest memories with you. Quite often our funny memories didn't feel very funny at the time, but we can look back and laugh at ourselves. I will be calling upon a few of you to share your stories with the whole class when we have our Thursday Zoom meeting.
L.O. I can convert a narrative to a playscript format.
Watch the video attached. Then take the extract provided and convert it into a playscript.
Guided Reading
L.O. I can find the meanings of vocabulary in a text.
Today I would like you to find the meanings of the following words that can be found in your text this week.
Once you have looked up the definitions, write a sentence for each word demonstrating your understanding of each one.
Maths Warm-up
Read the timetable below and complete the follow up questions.
Maths - Main
L.O. I can multiply proper fractions.
Read through the information on BBC Bitesize (attached) and watch the clip which explains how to multiply fractions. It isn't as complicated as it sounds! Following on from that, watch the attached explanation about how to put a fraction in its simplest form. The work on factors that we did last half-term should help you with this.
Cool - Multiply the fractions on the one star worksheet attached
Medium - Multiply the fractions on the one star worksheet attached. Then, put your answers in their simplest form.
Spicy- Multiply the fractions on the three star worksheet attached and put your answers in their simplest form.
There are answer sheets provided but please don't take a peek at these until you have completed your answers!
Mrs Wordsmith
Today I would like you to revisit five of the Mrs Wordsmith words from last half term. Use each word in a sentence to ensure that you know how to apply these powerful words.
Below are your new spellings for this week. Today I would like you to neatly copy out your group's spellings as many times as you can in 10-15 minutes.
Group One
fowl, flower, dowse, how's, allowed, foul, flour, douse, house, aloud, poring, pouring, morning, mourning
Group Two
intelligence, innocence, emergence, translucence, consequence, incidence, coincidence, confidence, residence, evidence, reference, preference, conference, adherence, interference
Group Three
tube, prune, brute, duke, rude, refuse, cute, flute, June, cube
Today I am putting up one more Cosmic Yoga video. These may feel a bit 'young' for some of you, but I know many of you had a lot of fun when we did this last half-term. If you would prefer to do a Joe Wicks video, that's okay too. In addition to this video, please also try to complete 20-30 minutes of something active. This could be dancing to music, going for a power walk, whatever you can think of that can keep your heart rate up!
L.O. I know several facts about Bar/Bat Mitzvahs
Please read through the slides attached and complete the questions below. Attached is a word document with the answers for you to check afterwards.