Weeks ending 31st January 2025
We've been busy learning about Lunar New Year and have been starting to talk about people we love in the run up to valentines day. We learnt that the children were born in the year or the rat or ox, and we got to watch a video on the new interactive board all about how different people celebrate. We also took turns to add glitter to our paints to make them sparkly.
The board has also been great for listening to a couple of different songs and watching some quick Makaton sign videos. The children have been doing really well learning the signs for 'Help' 'Hello' 'Food' and more. Great job everyone!
Weeks ending 17th January 2025
We've been having fun talking about our Christmas holidays and showing all of the new children our toys. The builders have also nearly finished building the new school areas, so we got to see a giant crane come to move our old mobile preschool away, very cool! We have a new big piece of furniture that was donated, we have already filled it with duplo which has been a fan favourite.
The children have been making different faces out of eye/ear/mouth/nose cards. Arctic animals have also been out with all the chilly weather. There was also a trip to acorn patch to see what's changed- one of our plants is now enormous!
Week ending 20th December 2024
Our elves have returned to their Christmas headquarters today, with a message for Santa. They left a letter saying we have all been being good! Woohoo! We've been having lots of fun with white snowy playdough, and Elsa left us some ice to play with.
Mrs Stevens and Miss Jarvis from the school, and Mrs Tuck who used to work in preschool also brought us some presents. Miss Jarvis brought us some Christmas toys, Mrs Stevens got us some snacks and biscuits, and Mrs Tuck got us a Christmas book! Thank you to everyone who made cards to share with the children and brought us presents. We wish you all a Merry Christmas or happy couple of weeks off. :)
Weeks ending 13th December 2024
We've had a visit from two Christmas elves! The children picked their names: 'Cheeky' and 'Kiki' and they have been getting up to lots of mischief... Making messes in flour, covering other toys in stickers and rolling in toilet paper just to name a few things! They also decorated the room and put up a Christmas tree.
We've all played lots of Christmas snap, coloured and decorated winter pictures with pens and stickers, used glittery paint and read winter books. The children loved making their own tree decorations and special cards to take home. Dressing up as Santa, Elves and Reindeer was also super fun!
Weeks ending 29th November 2024
We've been exploring colours/numbers and cause/effect these last two weeks! The children took turns with colour snap, test tube colour sorting, magnet toys and mixing paint colours using cars! We also found a couple of games on the ipad to try out and sang number songs such as '5 currant buns' and '10 fat sausages' together.
In P.E. we got out some new toys to practice our balancing skills and moved like lots of animals. On the playground we used balance bikes and wiggle bikes, some of us had races with them.
We also found a giant gingerbread man book to read as the children have started talking lots about Christmas. Hopefully we will have a visit from someone magical, tiny and Christmassy in preschool soon...? Fingers crossed!
Weeks ending 15th November 2024
We've had loads of fun transitioning into our new room! The children have liked exploring, and have done a great job getting used to the different rules and routines. The bigger space means we have been able to have our football goal outside everyday and the dark den inside. Everyone has been able to work together as a team and take turns so well!
We welcomed a new student staff member and the children helped show her what to do, and in P.E. we did a trickier obstacle course (after they beat the last one so easily, great job!) and tried some circle games/races. Travelling Ted managed to catch Evil Pea in the circle race.
Weeks ending 24th October 2024
The love of reading book has been 'Trick or Treat' to get in the Halloween spirit! We've had lots of spooky playdough out for the children to cut/roll and squish. In the roleplay corner we had costumes out to try on, and the children pretended to go trick or treating.
We read books about witches and wizards and pretended to make our own potions with foam and garden materials like pine cones and leaves.
In P.E. we played with the parachute, and tried out some tricky circle games and races! We went down to Acorn Patch and found lots of bugs hiding under the logs.