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Thankyou to everyone for supporting us through our move this term. To all those going up to school or elsewhere, thank you for letting us look after your wonderful children! To those returning, we look forward to seeing you again in September!


Weeks ending 19th July 2024

The words of the week have been Letters, and School/Teachers! The children have been making real and nonsense words with our magnetic letters, and roleplaying being school children and teachers with our uniforms.

As it's the end of the year, we've had lots of extra fun things out, such as different coloured playdough, and the children have helped choose what they have wanted to play with-from barbies to skylanders!

In P.E. we did races and tried out a new egg and spoon race (we were brilliant!) and then the children picked our all time favourite-the parachute-for the second week. In Acorn Patch we have been exploring and digging, and we got lucky and saw lots of butterflies and moths up close. We brought our teddies to snack for a teddy bear picnic and had to watch out that they didn't sneak a bite of our food. 

Weeks ending 28th June 2024

Our words of the week have been Summer and Numbers! We have been enjoying the sun with paddling and field play. We had our hungry caterpillar game out for numbers. Lots of us also took a visit to reception to share a story with Mrs Stevens, and we got to have a look around her room. 

We searched for minibeasts at Acorn Patch, using it as an opportunity to talk about caring for living things- "Do we squash them? Shall we watch from back here?". We played a new game called 'shark game' in the hall for P.E. where we took turns to be a shark catching pirates. Then we did our superhero training outside, we even won some stickers! We talked about keeping ourselves safe too: "Do we hurt other people? Can other people hurt us?".

Weeks ending 14th June 2024

The words of the week have been Shape and Pattern!

We have had lots of things to see in our new room, from our new toilets to diggers! We loved watching the builders load and unload their equipment, even if it was a bit noisy :), and we got to visit the reception classes new ducklings. Two had already hatched and were having a snooze, and as we were looking another one started to break out of it's shell.

For science week we did experiments- making colours disappear under water/making flowers change colour.

In P.E. we played circle games and had travelling ted race evil pea around the circle, and played with the parachute. Down at Acorn Patch, we saw loads of ants that came to visit and found grass/flowers to make patterns.

Pre-school move

The pre-school adults have been busy moving all of the toys into the new room and making it look lovely for us to come back into after half term. We have managed to fit all of our things in the room and the builders are going to help Mr Robinson move all of our outdoor things in half term so that it will all be ready for us. Mrs Arlott, Mrs Smith and Miss Lin were lucky enough today to see a dumper and a digger arriving and the builders have said that they are looking forward to letting our pre-schoolers have a look around them and the other equipment that will be coming soon, apparently there will even be a crane. We have taken some photos to share with your children to help with their transition into the new area and we look forward to seeing you after half term.

Weeks ending 10th May 2024

Our words of the week have been rhyme and behind. We've read stories to search for hidden rhymes, and made up our own silly nonsense rhymes! Lot's of us also played the behind game. We listen carefully as an adult tells us to stand behind, in front, or next to each other until we make a giant group. 

There has been lots of water play out as it's been so sunny, and the children enjoyed catching toy fish and paddling with their shoes off.

In P.E. we played the parachute, and did an obstacle course. The teachers are very impressed by how brave we are at having at go at everything. At Acorn Patch we made mud pies and potions, using chalk to turn our water multi-coloured! We found flowers and leaves to add to make some of the potions thick or squelchy. 

Over the last few weeks we added our very own recycling bin, the children have been great at remembering what to put inside it. We talked about how it helps to save the planet and some of us even came to take our bin to the giant recycling bin! 

Weeks ending 26th April 2024

The works of the week were Job and Recycle. The children have been showing off their job forms. They loved talking about what their family members do, and what they want to do when they get older. We have had junk modelling out to recycle old pots and boxes, and put out a new recycling bin that the children helped us take to the giant recycling bin outside! We had lots of painting available and played many group games together, taking turns. 

In P.E. we did hoop cars and races. The children were great at following the different instructions and put in lots of effort to do the races. We all tried our best and cheered for each other! In Acorn Patch we were excited to find hundreds of ladybirds in all of the new plants, and we got to see the blossom falling off of some of the trees.

Weeks ending 27th March 2024

Our words of the week have been Help and Spring. The children have helped each other to use the parachute in PE and helped to find shapes in our group shape hunts. We also talked about who can help us when we're in trouble, and how we help each other keep our environments clean and fun.

For the word Spring we planted flowers down at Acorn Patch, played easter number games, spoke about the changing season and had our Easter craft morning! A huge thankyou to all who came, the room was absolutely filled with the children's wonderful creations! We hope you all have a very happy holiday :)

Weeks ending 8th March 2024

Our words of the week have been Sharing and Books. The children have been fantastic at remembering to ask and use timers to share toys and activities- with and without adult help!

We made pictures with paint pens, and special cards for people we love using our handprints. On World Book Day, everyone loved dressing up as their favourite book characters. 

In P.E. we did a giant obstacle course, with some new obstacles to test the children's balancing skills. The week after, it was movement tickets where the children pick a ticket and we move as it says (e.g. like a dragon/cat/fish).

For Acorn Patch we decorated our very own binoculars and went hunting for bugs under logs and in trees. We found slugs, snails, spiders, beetles and more!

Weeks ending 16th February 2024

The words of the week were Animals/Dragons and Love. We spent time celebrating Chinese new year, and finding out which animal represented our birth year. We also talked lots about love- who we love and why, and what we do with them. We made cards to take home, and the children helped us to make a big display to go on the wall!

Group games were a hit these last two weeks, as we went on number hunts together, and played lots of circle games like 'silly soup' with rhyming words.

Down at Acorn Patch, we searched for grass, leaves and flowers to take back to preschool so that we could make nature paintbrushes. Lots of us loved making giant paintings, mixing colours and getting messy!
