Wowzers trousers, it's been another full-on week of learning in Elm Class! We have all welcomed the return of some brighter weather, and the children have loved getting outdoors for lots of their busy learning over the last few days. Now we just need it to be a little bit warmer!
In Literacy with Mrs Biggs, we have continued with our Elmer theme, and this week the children have been using their story maps to write their very own Elmer stories. They have shown wonderful imagination and perseverance, and have really impressed us with their developing skills.
In Maths with Mrs Johnson, it has all been about division and sharing equally. While Year 1 have spent their time sharing objects and pictures into equal groups and making groups of a given amount, Year 2 have been focusing on dividing by 2, 5 and 10 and have been solving division word problems.
In our Foundation lessons this week, we have had a Science theme and have been finding out about living things. The Year 1 children have mainly focused on the five senses, and the Year 2s have been thinking about things that are alive, were once alive or have never been alive, and have been learning about the characteristics that all living things share. We all had a wonderful time testing our senses of smell and taste on Thursday... it is fair to say that rocket was a taste that the vast majority of the children did not enjoy, haha!
Have a super weekend everyone, and a well deserved rest.