Hello Fir Class
We hope you are all well. It seems strange to be back in the classroom and you not be there. We really miss you. We hope you are managing to keep on top of your work. There are only a few weeks left before the summer holiday. Why don’t you really try to get as much work done between now and then so you can relax during the six weeks off and really feel like you deserve a rest? I know it can be hard to motivate yourself, but remember there are some pupils back now and they will be working through the tasks on the website. Do try to keep up with the work as much as you can.
As well as completing the work we set, have a look at the ‘Egg-citing Delivery’ link that features under the class pages. The pictures are so sweet. There is also the Key Stage 2 Story Time link and the Summer Reading Challenge link.
Here are some of the pictures we received of your work this week. Remember to try and complete as much as you can between Monday and Friday, as well as having fun and spending time with your family.
Wishing all of you the very best. We think about you every day.
Mrs Causer and Miss Miller
There are three more extracts for you to compare and contrast. The extracts come from Heidi by Johanna Spyri, Just William by Richmal Crompton and Anne of Green Gables by Lucy Maud Montgomery. The three extracts are set at different time periods and are attached. Read the three extracts and use a dictionary to look up unknown words. Then make notes on each showing how you know it is set in a different time period.
You should then complete the attached sheet. You did this last week, so it should be easier for you.
Consider how each extract would be different if it were set now. Choose three sentences from each extract. Change each sentence so it is set in 2020. Think about how no years are mentioned, but there are clues in each extract that give you an idea as to the time period of the story. You will need to do this with your sentences.
Look at the pictures of a Victorian classroom. Choose one to sketch and label it with items you see, for example, blackboard, slate, etc. What games might children play? Think about their clothes. Consider the temperature of the room. What lessons might be taught?
Use these notes to write an extract from a story set in a Victorian classroom. Try to include the words or ideas you noted in the task above. It only needs to be a short paragraph, but you will need to think about who will be there and what will happen. Reread the extract from Anne of Green Gables to help you.
Religious Studies
Look at this list: Church, pulpit, lectern, font, stained glass window, cross, pew, candle, organ, Bible. Do you know what these items are? Can you describe their purpose? Look at the attached pictures and now see if you can improve your descriptions.
Task: Sketch each picture and then research their purpose and meaning and write it next to it. You can print the pictures and table out if you are able, but you don't need to.
Look at this list: Synagogue, menorah, skull cap, Star of David, Rabbi, Torah, Prayer shawl, Bimah, Ark, Nir Tamid. Have you heard of any of these words? Could you guess at any? Look at the attached pictures and see if you can match any of the pictures to the name.
Task: Sketch each picture and then research their purpose and meaning and write it next to it. You can print the pictures and table out if you are able, but you don't need to.
Science - Animals and humans
Last week you practised drawing a bar graph. This week you will practise drawing a line graph. More graph paper is attached.
Please look up the meaning of ‘gestation’. Today, we are going to look if there is a link between gestation and life expectancy.
Prediction: Do you expect to see a correlation?
What does a line graph need?
Please look at the attached examples for support.
Then, fill in the table with the life expectancy. You should read off your bar graph to do this. This is the bar graph you drew last week.
Answer this questions: Is there a correlation (link) between gestation and life expectancy?
Guided Reading
This week I'd like you to create your own Guided Reading spinner, similar to the one pictured. You can come up with your own 'after story' challenges to complete, but they can't all be drawing pictures! For the rest of the week complete one challenge a day. You will need to remember the last couple of stories you have read to use for ideas.
Think about what you have learned so far about the Tudors. Today I would like you to pick your favourite part to learn about, such as food or the kings and queens. You will then create a fact file all about your chosen subject area, ideally on the computer. You can look at the slides attached for some tips and there are some prompt cards in the resources to help you see what types of questions you may want to answer within your fact file. If you can incorporate features such as borders, pictures and text boxes, that will make them all the more eye-catching.
This week I would like you to brush up your drama and conversational skills! I know how much you all enjoyed playing the game 'Park Bench' when we were in school. Try to get a couple of members of your household to play with you. You will need to explain how to play the game first of all! With fewer people it is harder to think of different characters and threads of conversation on the spot, but I have seen you do it before in class, so I know you are capable. To make it slightly more interesting, you could make the characters that you play on the bench people you know, such as your grandparents or school mates.
L.O. To use adjectives to describe nouns.
Go through the food powerpoint, saying aloud the French names for each food. Recall how to say, ‘I like…’ or ‘I do not like…’ (J'aime…/J'naime pas...)
Today we are going to add an adjective to describe the foods. Go through each food on the worksheet and discuss together which adjective you might use to describe it. You do not have to print off these worksheets, but you will need to read them.
Certain foods are masculine and some are feminine, so the spelling for the adjective will change depending on whether the food is masculine or feminine. Just to make life interesting! The worksheet and powerpoint has been colour coded to help you with this.
Please select one of the worksheets to complete the sentences about each food. If you cannot print off a sheet, please look at the worksheets to help you with your sentences.
This week we will be revising a previous spelling rule you have learnt, words ending with the 'shun' sound. You can print off the attached worksheet, which is in the usual homework format or you can look at the table below. Try to practise these spellings for ten minutes every day and then ask somebody at home to test you at the end of the school week.
tion |
'ation' |
cian |
action | relation | musician |
invention | inspiration | optician |
direction | adoration | politician |
injection | rotation | electrician |
eruption | duration | beautician |