What an amazing week looking at all your V.E day celebrations!
We have been getting so many wonderful this to share and these will be posted on our home learning sub page!
There are some pretty challenging tasks this week and I can't wait to see what you all produce!
Below is a video of one of our friends and her sister teaching a special dance in honour of V.E day last week.
Remember our class page menu has some new additions.
You have:
Forest school with Mr Lenton
Cooking with Mrs Kyne
Story time with Mrs Johnson
If you do any of these activities you can send pictures or videos of you doing these fun tasks!
Rememebr our class e-mail address is Willowclass@manea.cambs.sch.uk
This week I would like you to access the white rose hub lessons that are marked as Summer Term Week 3 (W/C 4th May)
The lessons are as follows:
Lesson 1: Convert pounds and pence
Lesson 2: Add money
Lesson 3: Subtract money
Lesson 4:Multiply and divide by three
Lesson 5: Friday Challenge.
It has been a couple of weeks since out last task that was set for out topic in DT.
This week I want you to use your designs to create some real packaging for a sweet or chocolate!
I fyou have worked ahead and made your own piece of packaging already you could evaluate it.
Write down three things that you liked and three things that you think you could have done better.
You could also use some of the recipes from Mrs Kyne's cooking page to fill your packaging up! or use the website below to explore some other sweet treats you could make.
I have really missed the discussions that we had back in class using our newspaper and hearing people could have different points of view about things. It is really hard to have a discussion in our current set up. So I have been thinking how I could get you to really challenge yourselves to work on your speaking skills and to try and use some of the exciting vocabluary that Mrs Biggs has been sending you. I have thought of a perfect challenge for you!
You are going to have to remember our class school motto
Persevere -Keep going even if you are finding it really hard
Aim High - set a goal that you will find challenging
Resilience- When you don't get some thing the first time, don't give up!
Team Work- Sometimes you need help from a friend or parent
Yet..- If you can;t do it straight away keep practising and one day soon you will!
Your challenge this week is to film yourselves talking about your favourite animal for two minutes!
Two minutes is quite a long time to talk about something so you may have to research your animal to find out lots of information that you could share.
Write down all your wonderful ideas and use these to help you with your speech.
Remember, you will find this very challenging at first but keep practising!
Go for a walk and, while walking with your family, make up stories together. Maybe you could start the story, then ask someone else to continue it and to make up the next part and so on. Doing this outside works perfectly and gives you inspiration and prompts, so use it! Maybe one of your characters is The Great Old Tree or the Mischievous Little Bird. If you really enjoyed this, then write all of your ideas down when you get home.Who knows you could be the next J.K. Rowling :)
In your oracy task I have mentioned our motto of party. This motto is very important right now as you are all really challenging yourselves to learn from home and we are both very proud of you. As I nice little task for you I want you to reflect on each of these words and think about times where you have shown these skills. Using your reflections make a poster showing how you have used the Manea Party whilst being at home.