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W/B 13.11.23


This week we have been planning our own non-chronological report, all about a woodland creature.

We have thought about appropriate titles, subheadings and some of us have even written introductions. We have then drawn and labelled diagrams. We will be using our plans to write our own reports next week.



Year 1 have been adding two 1-digit numbers. They have been drawing their own representations and different resources to help their learning.

Year 2 have been adding two 2-digit numbers and have been drawing number lines to help them. They have been adding tens first, then jumps of 1.

We have also all had lots of fun celebrating Maths Week and have enjoyed taking part in the Maths Orienteering Challenge.



This week has focused on the difference between villages, towns and cities. We have thought about their different features of each one and have also created silhouettes of city scenes. Next week, we will be moving on to our DT project.


Busy Learning:

Our Busy Learning challenges have focused on our story The Little Fox. We have used the blocks and Lego to create a forest for the fox to travel through and have used the outside area to create dens. 
