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Please find below this week's homework. Each activity can be completed on paper, so you don't have to print the attachments, you can just simply view them.


Some of the homework has been split into cool, medium and spicy. This means you can choose the homework that you will find challenging but not too hard. Remember, if you have completed the homework and you found it too easy then try the next one!


Please send in your completed homework, where applicable, to We look forward to seeing them!


Mrs Revell and Miss Miller.


Please ensure you are reading at least 5 times this week. An appropriate length of time to be reading for is 15 minutes - 20 minutes. Remember, you can complete an AR test the next time you are at school on the book that you have just read.


Cool - Practise your 2 times tables on TT Rockstars, or you can use the attached sheet below.

Medium - Practise your 6 times tables on TT Rockstars, or use the sheet below.
Spicy - Practise your 6 times tables on TTRockstars, or use the sheet below. This has a mixture of both multiplication and division questions.

Literacy - Grammar, Punctuation and Spelling

Cool - Using the sheet below, re write the sentences putting in your capital letters and full stops.


Medium - Re write the sentences and paragraph in the document below, putting in your capital letters and full stops.
Spicy - Using the sheet below, write direct speech using capital letters correctly within them.


Please revise the attached spellings for this week. We will be having a spelling test on these words next Wednesday. 


Spellings for Mrs Wickie’s group





