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W/c 19/10/2020

This week, we have been celebrating Black History Month. The children have really become confident debaters during this topic and have shown such passion when sharing their views and opinions. 


To begin the topic, we split the children into the groups 'brown eyes' and 'blue/green eyes'. The brown eyed children had a small section of the playground, whilst the blue eyed children were given the large playground space with balls to play with and the two were not allowed to mix in any way. This certainly led to the children from both sides discussing how unfair it was and led to some heated discussions about racial segregation and discrimination whilst back in the classroom. 



We learnt all about Martin Luther King. As well as reading about his life and impact as a civil rights activist, we studied his 'I have a dream speech'. 


We thought about our own views on the world, and thought about what our dreams were for the future. We wrote our own speeches:
