LO: To write a descriptive paragraph
Warm up: We have been thinking about embedded clauses in our starters.
Write five of your own examples. You could use this picture as inspiration.
Today we are thinking about describing the magical land we created yesterday. Look back at your picture. Shut your eyes and imagine you are there. Use your senses to jot down your thoughts: What can you see/ hear/ smell/ taste/ feel? Remind your selves of different ways to start sentences using the word mats in your packs. Look at my descriptive paragraph- can you improve it? |
Task: Write about your own setting, whilst varying your sentence starts, can you use fronted adverbials?
Guided reading:
LO: To explore vocabulary from a text.
In this text, there is some tricky vocabulary. Before we read, explore the following words. If you do not know what they mean can you research it using a dictionary or online dictionary. Draw a picture or write a sentence for each word.
Precious, facades, emanating, consequences, serene, bewildering, sinister, oblivious
LO: To measure weight.
Start by practising your seven times tables.
Warm-up: Can you solve this problem which requires you to convert between analogue and digital clocks?
Main: What do we know about measuring weight already? The unit we are most likely to use whilst measuring weight is grams. Play the game I have linked below to practise reading weighing scales.
Use today’s session to explore weight. Can you weigh five different things in grams from around your home? Order them in weight. If you do not have scales, estimate the weight. Or you could look on the back of ingredients for their weight. Can you find four objects which when combined weigh exactly 1kg? Remember 1 kg= 1000g.
LO: To begin to use and understand tone in drawing.
What is tone? Practise creating different tones with one pencil. This can be done by shading or cross hatching. Watch the videos to support you with this. |
Apply knowledge of tone and texture to create a piece of art.
LO: To explore a local habitat.
Explore a local habitat and note down all of the living things you see. Keep a tally chart. You could use classification keys to help you identify it. |
Whilst there- consider the different danger to the environment.