It's been a cold and foggy end to the week in Elm Class! Winter is certainly on its way.
This week, we have started to enjoy a brand new book which will form the basis of our learning from now until Christmas. The book is 'The Jolly Christmas Postman' by Janet and Allan Ahlberg, and we have loved exploring all the letters, notes and gifts within its pages.
In Literacy, we started the week by looking at the cover of 'The Jolly Christmas Postman' and making predictions about what the story might be about and who the characters might be. We looked at all the envelopes in the book and worked out who each letter was for, before creating maps of the Postman's journey around the land of fairytales. Finally, towards the end of the week, we had a very exciting delivery; a letter from the Postman himself, reminding us to send our Christmas lists to Santa in plenty of time! We looked at the structure of the letter and found out how a letter is set out on the page.
In Maths, we have revisited (for the Year 2s) and started to learn (for the Year 1s) our 'two count'. This count is trickier than the ten count but all the Year 1 children made a super effort at trying to remember it, and counting various objects in groups of 2. We even had to pair up some smelly socks, hang them along the washing line and add the matching two count numbers! The Year 2 children have been very busy applying their newfound multiplication skills to solving problems involving the two times table.
In the afternoons this week, we have had a musical focus. To begin the week, we thought about different families of instruments and then focused in on percussion instruments. We tried really hard to follow different rhythms using various parts of our bodies. Later in the week, we started to learn some songs for the Nativity; they are coming along very well!
Have a lovely if chilly weekend, everyone.