Welcome to our Class Page. This page will be updated each Friday and will share the children's learning and achievements with those at home.
Important information:
Willowclass@manea.cambs.sch.uk (Mr Lenton)
Ashclass@manea.cambs.sch.uk (Miss Turner)
Pearclass@manea.cambs.sch.uk (Mrs Smith & Miss Bridges)
What a busy week we have had this week!
It all kicked off on Monday with an amazing Sports Day. Thankyou to everyone who came to see us.
We also had a great visit to the Life Education bus, where we spoke about how to keep our minds and bodies healthy.
This week we have started our unit of Geography work on Volcanoes. We have investigated what the parts of a volcano are called and how volcanoes are formed. We have also started our next narrative writing unit on 'Leon and The Place Between'. We have looked into character description and setting descriptions. We created our own settings then started describing them, including prepositional phrases.
We have had a fabulous Science week! We have been using our Scientific enquiry skills in lots of ways:
- Using research to explore the question "Does everyone have the same finger prints?"
- Planning and carrying out a pattern seeking investigation to answer the question "Can people with larger hands pick up more cubes?"
- And creating our own models of muscles to answer: How do muscles work?
It was lovely to see so many of our parents at the Science Market place on Friday. Thankyou all for coming!
This week we have been writing adverts and celebrating the coronation. We have had special assemblies where we were presented with a special coin from the Parish council. Some of us have also been learning how to be safe on a bike!
This week we have enjoyed continuing with our History topic. We have looked at Roman Army formations and recreated them on the playground using our own shields. We have learned about the Roman invasion and how this changed Britain. We have started to look at Roman and Celtic settlements, including the similarities and differences between the two.
This week we have started our new History topic- The Romans! We've really got stuck in- looking at persuasive adverts for the Roman army in our Literacy lessons, whilst learning about the Roman empire and it's leaders within our topic lessons. We even took on the role of Julius Ceaser, Octavius and Mark Antony and answered questions in a hot seating activity.
In literacy this week we have been continuing to look at recount writing and have been looking at diary writing. We have identified features and explored adding detail to our sentences.
Year 3: This week we have started to look at perimeter. The children have been finding this challenging but are aiming high in the work that they do.
Year 4: We have introduced the decimal point and we have been looking how to represent tenths using this.
This week we have started looking at Plants. We have set up an experiment to find out what a seed needs in order to grow.
W/C 27.2.23
This week we have continued with our persuasive letter writing and have used a structure strip to organise our ideas. We then celebrated World Book Day by writing our own stories and creating our own books.
This week has been focussed on assessments and we have worked really hard to show how much we have learnt this year!
We have begun our History topic and have been thinking about how Manea has changed through time. We have looked at pictures of buildings and explored how the school has changed.
On Friday, we also had a very special visit from two officers from the British Transport Police. We had a wonderful time learning about how the transport police keep us safe. We even got to try on helmets, jackets and handcuffs!
Literacy: This week we have started our unit on persuasive letter writing. The children have explored the key features of letter, investigated opinions and facts and have begun to write persuasive sentences.
Year 3: We have been revisiting addition and subtraction ready to to apply these skills to problem solving activities next week.
Year 4: We have been recapping our knowledge on place value. We have looked at rounding and roman numerals.
Topic: This week we have come to the end of our current geography topic of rainforests. we have compared the Amazon to Sherwood Forest and looked at the impact of deforestation.
Literacy: This week we have been writing up our biographies. the children have collected information for a famous conservationist. They have designed their layouts and written up their facts.
Maths: In year 3 we have been completing our first block of fraction work. We have used the outdoors to create number lines and fraction walls. On Friday the children were given a bag of smarties to investigate. they had to use all the key language from the week to tell their teacher about the smarties in their bags.
Topic- This week we have been exploring Rainforests in Geography. the children have located where rainforests can be found, described the climate and are beginning to understand the layers.
Literacy: We have continued our work on biographies. We have been exploring the introduction sections and the layout of biographies and non-chronological reports. We are excited to publish our biographies about famous scientists next week.
Maths: This week we have continued exploring fractions. In Year 3 we have been looking at using number lines to represent and count in fractions, beginning looking at equivalent fractions. In Year 4 we have been looking at finding pairs of equivalent fractions using bar models, number lines and our knowledge of multiplication and division.
Science: We have been exploring our impact on the environment as humans. We looked at our local environment and the environmental dangers in our local area. We have also learned about the impact of humans on the environment and researched information about endangered species.
Literacy: This week in Literacy we have been busy entering a competition called ' The big green poetry competition'. The children worked hard to create poems about the world around them. We have now moved onto our next unit of work here the children will be looking at biographies. So far we have identified key features and retrieved information.
Year 3: We have started to explore fractions focussing on the denominator and numerator and what it means to make a whole.
Topic :
Science- We have started a new block of learning all about animals. We have been grouping and classifying vertebrates and invertebrates.
Computing: We have been busy working on our animations and learning how to navigate the i-motion app
W/C 16.1.23
This week, we have planned, drafted, edited and published our own versions of the short film, 'Bubbles'. We have tried hard to join our handwriting and present our work as carefully as possible.
Year 3's have continued with their work on the 4 and 8 times tables. We have also looked at multiples of 10, going beyond 100.
Year 4's have been using the number line or chunking method to divide.
This week we have been learning about Saint Patrick and Saint Brendan and what motivated their journeys.
W/C 9/01/23
This week in literacy we have been looking at setting descriptions. using our stimulus video the children have been hard at work collecting vocabulary that describes the different settings in the video. We have also been using thesauruses to up level the words that we have been using.
Year 3: The year 3 children have been hard at work learning their 4 and 8 times tables. They have solved problems and built confidence in recalling these facts.
Year 4: The year 4 children have recapped their 7 times tables this week. We have also been learning formal written methods for multiplication, including number lines and the grid method.
This week we have been focussing on R.E. We are beginning to explore Christianity in action. We are working hard to answer the following question: What difference do Christians make towards addressing some problems in the UK today?
W/C 2/1/23
It has been wonderful to welcome everyone back after the Christmas Holidays.
To kick start the new term the children were handed the task of creating a product that will protect biscuits to banish broken biscuits forever!
The children have been problem solving using their skills in Design Technology to investigate, design and make their own product. They have had to work as a team and use their knowledge of Shape to support them through this process! Look at the fantastic work below!
W/C: 12.12.22
Literacy: This week in literacy we have been looking at writing to persuade. We have explored the features of persuasive leaflets. We have been using expanded noun phrases and rhetorical questions as tools to help us. Yesterday we made new workshops for Santa and we will be writing our own leaflets to persuade him to buy our creations next week!
Maths: Year 3 have been working hard at looking at handling data. We have looked at Venn diagrams, Carroll diagrams, tally charts and pictograms! We are looking forward to continuing this next week!
Year 4:
Topic: This week we have been focussing on R.E and answering the question 'Is Christmas a festival of light or love?' We are ending this block of work by creating our own stained glass window!
In Literacy this week we have been developing our grammar skills of punctuating direct speech. We wrote conversations between friends. We also looked at conjunctions of time and cause. We have written about our favourite places and why.
In Year 4 we have continued with multiplication and division. We have been learning our 7s, 8s and 9s times tables and solving problems using our knowledge. In Year 3 we have started looking at multiplication. We have identified arrays, made equal groups and practising our 2s, 5s and 10s.
We have continued our Geography learning looking at Greece. We have located Greece on a map and identified human and physical features. We have looked at Greece's climate and compared it to the UK.
In Literacy we have started our unit of learning on poetry. We are looking at Michael Rosen's poetry. We have looked at the techniques he uses and had a go at writing our own versions of 'These are the Hands'.
In Year 3 Maths we have been looking at 3D shapes. We have been using the correct vocabulary to describe them. Some of us have built shapes using blu-tac and lollipop sticks, the rest of us have explored them using nets.
We have started our Geography learning this week. We are gathering evidence to answer the question 'Where would you rather go on holiday, the UK or Greece?'. We have been naming cities and countries of the UK, looking at the weather patterns of the UK and learning about the human and physical features of the UK.
Week 10 14.11.22
This week we have continued our unit on Instruction writing. On Monday we created our own piece of unique artwork and we then planned a sequence of instructions to help someone else replicate our work. At the end of the week, we wrote up our instructions and included diagrams and helpful hints and tips
In Year 4 this week we have begun looking at multiplying and dividing by 1, 10 and 100. Year 3 have started their work on shape and have been on a shape hunt around school, have created shapes outside using sticks and have drawn angles with chalks.
This week we have focused on E-Safety, connecting with people online, and the different ways we can stay safe online. We have also been taking part in Anti-Bullying week and have thought about different strategies we can use if we are concerned about bullying.
In Literacy we have continued developing our instruction writing skills. We have been focusing on the grammatical aspects of instructions including adverbs of time, adverbs of manner and co-ordinating conjunctions. Watch this song we've learned to help us remember co-ordinating conjunctions https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hIVL38Is5Ac
IN Year 4 Maths we have been learning about length and perimeter. We have been calculating perimeter of regular and irregular shapes. We have found the perimeter of shapes with missing sides.
In Topic we have been focusing on Art, the artist William Morris and his wallpaper designs. We have been using printing skills using rollers and ink. We have created our own printing blocks and printed in different primary colours.
In literacy this week we have been exploring instructions as a text type. We have worked hard in identifying the features of a set of instructions. These have been visual features and a deeper look at the language features needed. The children have enjoyed following instructions to complete an art project.
In year 3 maths we have been continuing to learn all about addition and subtraction. We have been introducing exchanging using the column method and consolidating number facts.
Year 4: In Maths we have been consolidating our addition and subtraction skills. We have started our length and perimeter learning. We have learned about how to convert measurements from millimetres to centimetres and how to convert to kilometres. We have learned about measuring in kilometres and started calculating the perimeter of shapes using squares.
In art this week we have been looking at William Morris. we have explored why is is a famous artist and what things have inspired his pieces especially his wall paper. We spent some time looking at the differences between factory made items and the importance of the arts and crafts movement.
This week the children have been using the skills they were taught last week to write their very own version of a Greek Myth.
In maths this week the children have been working on their skills in addition and subtraction. It has been a challenging week with new methods being taught and even larger numbers being used.
The children have been learning all about animals this week. The have also been using the scientific skill of observation to answer a question. The question we have observed was 'What do different drinks do to your teeth?'.
In Literacy this week we have been writing a shared write of our class versions of King Midas. Ask us about our fabulous ideas and what we have been trying to include in our writing.
In Maths we have been working on addition and subtraction. Year 3s have been looking at adding 1s, 10s and 100s. Year 4 have been looking at written methods for addition and subtraction.
We have started our Science learning this week about Animals including Humans. We have learned about the digestive system. We have done a very messy physical model of the digestive system in our classes! We have also begun learning about the different types of teeth.
Autumn Week 5 3.10.22
This week we have been looking at different Greek Myths. We have identified the different features and have begun planning our own versions of King Midas and the Golden Touch.
Having finished Place Value last week, we have now moved on to addition and subtraction. We have been looking at number bonds, adding 10's and 100's and using written methods for our calculations.
As part of our learning on Ancient Greece, this week the children travelled back in time and took part in our Greek Day. All the children looked wonderful in their costumes and had an exciting day of Greek activities. We wrote the Greek alphabet, made straw Acropolis artwork, carved our initials into soap and finished the day with a wonderful Greek feast followed by dancing. It was a fantastic day!
This week we have been looking at applying some of the skills that we have learnt over the last two weeks to describe settings and characters. The children have done so well!
Year 3: We have come to the end of our work on Place Value. We have ordered numbers and compared them too!
Year 4: We have been rounding 4 digit numbers. The children have been working hard and aiming high!
This week we have been using our skills of debate to discuss whether we would like to live in Sparta or Athens. We have also been completing some of our challenges! We are all looking forward to our Ancient Greek day next week.
This week we have been continuing to learn about Newspaper reports. The children staged their own Ancient Olympic games to report on. They took part in some sports that we still play today and collected quotes for their reports.
All the children are learning all about place value. we have been building numbers, representing them in different ways and using our problem solving skills!
We have been continuing with our with our History learning. We have been able to compare what school is like today with How school could have been in the Ancient Greek times.
This week in Literacy we have started exploring newspapers. We have looked at the features of a newspaper and identified the key features in an example. We have practised some of the skills we will need to write a newspaper report including fronted adverbials, writing in the past tense and writing in third person.
In Maths we have continued exploring place value. Year 3 children have been exploring numbers up to 1,000. Year 4 children have been exploring numbers up to 10,000. We have been using place value grids, number lines and base 10 to represent numbers.
We started our History learning this week, all about Ancient Greece! We are investigating what life was like in Ancient Greece for children. Our big question is: Would you prefer to be a child in Ancient Greece or modern day? We have learnt about when and where Ancient Greece was, using timelines to explore periods of history. We have also found out about the different states in Ancient Greece and the types of toys that children would have played with.
In literacy his week we have been exploring the text 'Maybe' by Kobi Yamada. We have been thinking about what we want to achieve in our lives. We looked at metaphors and have written poems.
In maths we have been working as a team to solve a number of different problems. We have also started our learning of Place Value. We have been so impressed with the children's presentation!
This week we have looked at the PSHE topic of beginning and belonging. We have looked at what to do in new situation and how to help others.