This week in maths we have been learning about position and direction. We have recapped language such as above, below, in, on, under, in between. We have learnt how to describe turns accurately by using our fraction knowledge of quarter, half, three quarter and whole. In year one we have learnt about the directions of right and left and thought of how we can use our hands to label these directions correctly and in year 2, we have been learning to describe direction using the terms clockwise and anticlockwise.
In Literacy this week we have been writing our fact files about the animals in Percy' park. The children also drew and labelled a picture of their animal to complete their fact file. During busy learning the children have been thinking about how the animals and Percy felt during the storm and then writing diary entries using descriptive language.
In the afternoons this week, we have had a Computing focus. We have been finding out about how to create images and text, and how to save the things we have created.