Today the children were told to create a maths challenge that incorporated both mathematics and English. The children were given a mathematical focus and were told they had the morning to make a game . The aim was to create a maths game that would test children’s understanding in different areas of mathematics. After they had finished the game, they were told they needed to write some instructions that included all the details needed to play the game well. The end of the day was play time, and we had a go at everyone's games.
Wow what a great start! We have been looking at the, 'Fenland Ark' for our history project and we have had two weeks to research it build a replica. Today we completed our presentations and we learnt lots of interesting facts about our 'Old Village Church'. Have a look at some of the fantastic presentations below....More to come!!!
This week we have been measuring ourselves and what's around us. Our first task was to work out whether we were rectangles or squares. We measured our height and arm span in cm, mm and m and compared them with other people in the class. After we had discussed our findings we decided to represent our data in different ways. Some of the groups decided to compare the heights and arm spans of each year group and came out with some fascinating findings. The found that from reception to year three, your shape is rectangular. When you reach year three your arm span and height reach the same length, so your body turns into a square. After year three, you turn back into a rectangular shape. Obviously to prove this theory correct we would need to study the height and arm span of more pupils!
This week we have been busy completing our production! However, we have managed to get ready for sports day and have some cross curricular lesson on maths and P.E. We have been gathering data on how long it takes our class members to complete some of the races and how far children can jump and throw a javelin. We finished gathering our data today so next week we are going to represent our data in as many different ways as possible!
Today we finished our planter, based on the 1950's play, 'Grease'. We has a fantastic time designing and creating our planter and we think we have a great finished product!
This week we have been making Stone Age flat bread! We made the tools and made fire just like our ancestors! Step-by-step we whittled a piece of willow into a point and followed an historical instructional text. We finished by cooking our flat breads in the embers of the fire. We have written some fantastic instructional texts on, 'How to make Stone Age Bread' and we are going to share the texts with the rest of the school next week!
This week in science we have been experimenting with gravity. We wanted to test different materials against gravitational pull. We all chose our own investigation in order to test the strength of gravity and we came out with some fascinating findings.
Easter School
Easter school was filled with some fantastic, fun activities that really helped the children to move their knowledge on in literacy and mathematics. We played games with grammar and wrote some revolting recipes to share with the class. On the last day, we made cakes and exercised our understanding or proportion.
Those of you who are coming to Easter school, you are in for a fantastic three-days of treats and games to help you with your learning.
Just a reminder of the dates...
April the 5th, 6th and 7th.
Starting at 9:00 am and finishing at 2:00 pm
Children need to come in the front entrance and will leave through the same door.
Children need to bring a packed lunch and wear comfortable clothes for sporting activities.Bring extra water as it might be hot.
Miss Smith and I can't wait to see you all!
This term Hufflepuff won the reading race and had a celebration party with Easter cakes and tea. Well done on a fantastic term of reading...keep up the good work!
It is nearly Easter, so this week, our challenge was to make an Easter egg box that would fit an certain egg. It needed to have a capacity of 150 cm cubed. We set out in teams to try and make the perfect Easter egg box, using our understanding of volume and capacity.
This week we have been looking at the perimeter and area of shapes. We were trying to prove that a shape with the same area could have a different perimeter.
Maths Outside
For the past couple of weeks, we been looking very closely at visually representing the multiplication and division of fractions. Today, we deepened our understanding by creating wholes with other members in the class and visually showing what is happening to a whole when it is being divided by a fraction. We also went over are fractions of amounts.
Next week we are going to create mini vegetable plots in order to explain to each other how to work out the multiplication of two fractions.
See if you can work out the following...
Manea primary school have a field that they are going to grow fruit and vegetables in. 1/3 if vegetables and 2/3 are fruit. 1/2 of the vegetable patch is carrots. What fraction of the original whole, is carrots? What is your number sentence?
23.02.16 Science
Today we took learning into our own hands. Miss Taylor gave us a problem and we had to solve it using our scientific understanding of force. She wanted to make a kite out of material, but didn’t know which material was most appropriate to use. She gave us links to different websites and some text resources to help up with our scientific explanations…
Maths- Scale
Today, we completed a practical task, involving scale. We were given a recipe for mud pie, to cater for 10 people, but we needed to make it for one person.
The recipe was as follows...
Recipe for mud pie 10 people:
Can you make it for 1 person? 50 people? 55 people?
This week we played dodgeball and went through the rules in detail in order to write an instructional text. We went through each section and what we would include, in order to understand the rules...
This week some of you were able to see Oak's assembly! The children wrote poems with about the Saxon invasion in Essex. They used some excellent imagery and some really great language. We put together a final piece and made up actions in the style of Pie Corbett. Miss Taylor stated, 'I have never been this proud of Oak class; this is an excellent incite of what's to come this year, these children are capable of doing so much!" If you missed it, get someone from Oak class to reenact it for you, though it may not be as loud as it was on the day of the performance. Well done Oak class for starting off the first of many successful class assemblies.
Maths and Physical Education
This week we have started our gymnastics unit. Miss Taylor was so impressed with how mature we were when we were given some time to plan our own routines. Miss Froggatt had to come in and have a look, as the skills the year 6's were showing were outstanding! We tried to create lots of different angles using our bodies and our partners had to name the angles they could see and estimate the size!
Today we went on a walk to the woods and around the village, in order to collect data for our chart’s and graph’s project. We took our learning into our own hands, as Miss Taylor said that she wanted to see a pie chart at the end of the lesson, but it was our opportunity to choose how we did it. Some of us recorded the colour or brand of the cars in Manea, whereas others recorded the different types of animals they came across. After the walk, Miss Taylor gave us half an hour to represent our data in different ways, including pie charts.
16.12.15 A Mathematical Christmas!!!
Today we took our learning into our own hands again! We had to show off all of our maths knowledge by including as much mathematics as possible in our time, making our Christmas hats. We showed our understanding of division by being given a whole piece of card that we needed to divide between our groups. We measured the circumference of our heads, using a piece of string and then measured the string and converted our measurements into different metric units; some of us even converted it into inches! When we had our band for our Christmas hats some of us worked out the perimeter and area of the shape. We also showed off our understanding of tessellating shapes by creating a pattern to go around our hats. We measured how much room we had on our hats and worked out how many pictures we could fit around the circumference of our hat and converted the measurements again. Miss Taylor was really impressed with how much we completed independently and how we were able to use and apply our knowledge.
This week we have been focusing on World War Two and what happened to Anne Frank and her family. We wrote two amazing pieces of writing that are soon to be typed up and put online! One was a letter home from an evacuee and the other was a diary entry from Anne Frank. Some of us made an evacuee box and gas masks to inspire the other children's writing. We discussed what the evacuees were allowed to take and how boys were allowed to take more than girls!
This week we did some outdoor learning in science. We had made a prophecy that light would travel faster than sound. having put this in place, we wanted to test it. The class sent different members to the end of the field to turn a torch on at the same time as banging two large sticks together, after that we discussed our findings! Ask someone in Oak class what we discovered...
This week Oak class planned a Christmas party at our local restaurant Classics. We all worked out what a taxi would cost-per mile- and split in between the five of us, we were dividing decimals! After that, we choose three courses from the menu and totaled up how much we had spent all together. We split the bill evenly and even worked out what a 10% tip would and split that between five. Lastly, we doubled the taxi price, in order to return home! Most of us ended up spending between £50- £70! We used money and showed each other each step, explaining each step, which really helped with our understanding.
This week we played our grammar board games that we made for homework! Miss Taylor was really impressed with some of the questions we had created!
Our winners of the reading race last term were Ravenclaw. We done to those of you who changed your books and got points for their team! The winners were taken out of class and went to an amazing tea party! Let see who will win next term!
Parents: Please sign in your children's reading records when they have read and make sure you ask them a few questions to make sure they have read it properly. Children can bring in books from home and read newspapers and magazines; just make sure you sign, how long they have read for in their reading record, in order for them to get some points for the reading race!
This week we were looking at measurements focusing on converting mm cm and m and even km. We move on to comparing metric units to imperial measurement and enjoyed some outdoor learning finding things that we could measure and convert in the playground.
22.10.15 – Mathematics
This week we have been measuring and estimating angles. We have been over the key angle facts and we have gone over how to use a protractor properly. At the end of the week we wanted to use and apply what we had learnt. We used chalk and angle equipment to measure angles and draw them outside. We also represented the angles in different ways by using our bodies. After we became confident with this, we started to take control of our learning and showed Miss Taylor reflex angles. We also looked at missing box calculations in order to find what we would have to add to our angles in order to make; a straight line, a ¾ circle and a revolution 360 degrees. Have a look at what we have been up to…
12th to 16th October 2015
This week we have been focusing on division. We found it difficult to complete long division, so we have been using our knowledge of multiples and factors in order to break down the calculation. We have been showing each other different representations of the calculations and explaining methods to each other in order to gauge a better understanding of the process of division.
This week we have been taking responsibility for our own learning. Miss Taylor gave us our learning intention and said what she wanted by the end of the lesson and let us take control of the task.
Literacy- In writing she said that we needed to create our own Harvest poems. Excitingly, we could choose any type of poem we wanted and find ways of up-levelling our language ourselves. We went in search around the school and found examples of poetry, thesauri and used the internet to research ideas. In the end we came out with some fantastic poems. Come to our ‘Harvest Assembly’ so that you can hear them…
In maths we needed to improve our knowledge of multiplication with numbers that included decimals. We decided we could create word problems that involved groups of values. We visually represented what we were doing when we needed to exchange and regroup. This promoted a lot of talk and discussion in our lesson. Miss Taylor was really impressed, as we took control of our own learning! When we had got how to complete a calculation we pushed ourselves on and increased the value! If we were finding a task too difficult we made it easier by reducing the value and talking through it. We checked the answers on our calculators and if anything was wrong we identified which part of the calculation went wrong and why.
Today we took ourselves back to the 1940’s and pretended that an Air-raid siren went off in our village. We followed the correct procedure and all quickly walked to the bomb shelter. We then wrote about what we would take to the bomb shelter at this time of year. Some of us wrote a descriptive piece of writing about the event and included the five senses. Have a look at some of the pictures…
Today we had to complete an exciting challenge. We were looking at tessellation and matching up 2D shapes to make patterns. We had to discuss why some shapes tessellated and some didn't. It drove Oak class mad! But we worked it out! See if you can work it out.
Thanks to those parents who came to the welcome meeting on Monday. For those of you who didn't come, there will be a letter going out with some information on it about the year on. I have uploaded the presentation below for you to read...
Today, we did some outdoor learning in French! We recapped what we had learnt so far in French and then played games with the language we used. Miss Taylor called out numbers and colours and we had to get the write colour cone and the write amount of cones to stay in the game! Sometimes she called out a colour that wasn’t there, so if we picked up a cone we were out! Have a look at some of our pictures…
Today we started our maths lesson, but we didn’t really understand the language used when adding and subtracting-using written methods. We completely changed the lesson and took it ‘back to basics’. We use placed value charts (up to ten million) and base ten resources to explain to each other what it actually means to, ’exchange’ and ‘regroup’. We found this really useful as it deepened our understanding of addition and subtraction. Have a look at some of our fantastic pictures of our discussions using the resources to guide and consolidate our learning…
Today we did some outdoor learning in mathematics. Miss Taylor put us into groups and gave us a calculation; we had to run to get the whiteboard and pen and then complete the calculation. After that we had to run back and the first one back, with the correct answer, got the point for their team,
Have a look at some of our fantastic pictures...
09.09.15- Literacy
Today we had a fantastic time reading our class book outside, ‘A Journey to the River Sea’. We answered questions about the text and pretended we were Clovis and Finn hiding in the shed-just like in the scene in the story.
Welcome back Oak Class! We have really worked hard these first couple of days and Miss Taylor has never been so impressed with our attitude to learning! Next week we will be studying the book that we read for homework over the Summer term, 'A Journey to the Rive Sea'. We will be doing some outdoor learning in our Science topic- light- and we will be doing some research on our new topic on WW2!