Celebrations from last week...
Once again, you've continued to impress me with your hard work and determination this week. Please see the video below for a few of my highlights from this week.
VE day 75th anniversary challenges
VE Day, or Victory in Europe Day, is the anniversary of the surrender of Germany at the end of World War II in 1945.
This day is marked annually on the 8th May in the UK with a two-minute silence and an address from the Queen. This year is the 75th Anniversary of the very first VE day.
VE day Challenge 1: Create an information booklet explaining what VE day is. You will need to do some research. I recommend the following websites:
The following PowerPoint/ Video may also be useful in your discussion. It has been taken from the British legion website, alongside some of this week's challenges.
VE day Challenge 2 (a): Create a special VE day party menu. What special dishes may they have made to share with their family and friends 75 years ago?
-Did you know food was rationed during the war? You'll need to research this to find out what ingredients you can use in your design menus.
-You could even try to make your own meal with your family. Here's a link to a recipe that you could follow (don't forget as you weigh out ingredients you can practise converting between grams and kilograms).
VE day Challenge 2 (b): Looking at the menu you have planned, you now need to work out the cost of the meal. Use a supermarket app to help you find the cost of each product.
- Use column addition to add all of these prices together.
- If I had given you a budget of £120 for your meal- how much change would I get? Show your workings out using column subtraction.
- The party has become a big street party (with everyone following social distancing of course). You now need to feed 25 people. Work out how many more ingredients you will need. If you had planned for five people before- multiply each cost by 5 (perhaps using the grid multiplication method) and then add together your answers.
VE day Challenge 3: Let's get creative.
-You could make some bunting to celebrate VE day.
- Create a 'Peace' display- a poster that will remind everyone to be kind to one another.
Extra Challenges
Watch the clip below, which shows how one of Willy Wonka's fabulous machines. This week I would like you to design a machine of your own to make a new type of chocolate. Create a detailed diagram of this and add labels. Then write step by step instructions on how to use it. Don't forget to use fronted adverbials and a variety of conjunctions in your writing.
I've given you lots of money related VE day challenges this week, so lets continue the theme by problem solving in the context of money. The Nrich website is great for problem solving activities: https://nrich.maths.org/. Remember to reach the higher levels it's not always about using bigger numbers or completing lots of questions you also need to solve problems and be able to explain your methods by providing reasonning.
If you've worked really hard on the VE day money challenges, you may only want to choose one of the money problem solving activities below. The expectation is that you do Maths every day.
(Please note- you do not need to print anything- I've just added the document in case it helps)
Continue to read as much as you can at home- and check whether your books are on the AR system. Don't forget to keep tuning in for Mrs Johnson's readings of Demon Dentist. I've attached an VE day reading comprehension below that you could look at on your device. Please do not feel like you have to print this.
Mrs Wordsmith
Our Mrs Wordsmith words this week would have been Bulging, Chiselled and Dazzling
Can you find out what these mean and use them in a sentence? Can you also make a list of synonyms for each of the words?
Outdoor learning
Have you seen Mr Lenton's new forest school page? This week's challenge is all about building a den. Use the link below to check it out.
Remember if you have any questions or want to share your work with us get your parents to email the class email address: ashclass@manea.cambs.sch.uk
Thank you- keep up the hard work and be the best that you can be.
Miss Bridges and Mrs Revell.