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15th June

Examples of work

Hello Fir Class


We hope you are all well. It has been lovely receiving your emails and hearing about your half-term from your parents. We even received a slow motion video of flying bats that one of you had taken! It was amazing. Thank you for continuing to send examples of work. 


With only five more weeks until the summer, please do now try to keep on top of your work as much as you can. You will see the benefit of it when you start Year 6.


It is really strange for us being back in the classroom and you not being there. We do talk about you though and remember all the little things you said and did that made us laugh. We still miss you.


Stay safe and stay well. 

Mrs Causer and Miss Miller





Look at the four pictures attached and make a quick sketch of each in the middle of a page. You only need small pieces of paper or sketch two pictures on a piece of A4. Think about when these pictures might be set. If we were reading a story set in this time period, what words might we expect to see? Come up with a few ideas for each and label the pictures with the words. Individual research – use the internet to look up other words you might expect to find in a story set in this time period or discuss with an adult. Perhaps you have a story set in the same time period. If so, use words from that book. Aim for at least fifteen words for each picture. Practise using the words in sentences. Write a couple of sentences per picture.  


Choose a time period that you are interested in, for example, Egyptians, Mayans, Medieval, Victorian, First World War, etc. Find a picture of this time period on the internet and copy it on to a piece of paper. Label this picture with words in the same way you did yesterday. Write ten sentences using these words. 


Read the extract ‘Big Brother’ and underline any words you do not know. Look these words up. When is this extract set do you think? Highlight (or underline) all the words or sentences that make you believe it is set in the future. Even though no year is mentioned, there are many clues in the text that help us work out a possible year. Continue the extract with your own paragraph. 


Look at the futuristic pictures. Pick your favourite and stick it in the middle of the page or simply sketch it. Brainstorm words and ideas that might appear in a story set in the future. Write down some notes on your futuristic story. 


Write an extract from a story set in the future (like Big Brother). Include the words and ideas from yesterday. Draft it first or make notes and then write the extract taking care to include capital letters and punctuation. Read your extract to someone and ask for feedback. What is good about it? Is there anything that would make it better?


Challenge yourself: Write the entire futuristic story.


Science - Changes


Starter: What do you remember about life cycles? Can you remember any of the scientific terms we looked at, for example, metamorphosis, fledgling, chrysalis, etc? Make a quick list of words you remember. 


Main: Watch the videos: 


Humans go through a life cycle. They change as they get older. 

Quickly sketch out the human life cycle on rough paper. 


Complete the attached wordsearch – Look up any words you don’t know in a dictionary. 


Check your human lifecycle now – do you want to make any changes? 


Here is the lifecycle:: Foetus, Baby, Infant, Toddler, Child, Adolescent/Teenager, Adult and then back to baby.


Draw out this lifecycle as you would in class. Draw diagrams and add explanations or descriptions to each stage. 


Challenge yourself: What is the difference between adolescent and teenager?


Life cycles of various living organisms | Biology - Life Lessons

Suitable for teaching 7-11s. This clip explores the life cycles of a range of organisms including a mammal, an amphibian, an insect, a flowering plant and a bird.

Human's Life Cycle | BBC Bitesize | science

BBC Bitesize - Animals - KS2

Religious Studies


Starter: Without looking, can you remember any of the items that are found in a church? What is the item’s purpose? Please now make sure your work from last week is to hand. It is the sheet you completed where you sketched or printed the pictures of things found in a church and then you explained their purpose.  


Main: Please watch the following videos showing a tour of the church. The videos will last approximately twenty minutes, so make yourself a drink and get comfortable. 


Task: Which items were mentioned that are not on your worksheet? Can you draw a picture of any new item you have learnt about and add a short description? For example, you have just learnt about the vestry. Draw a diagram of this (using the internet if you want to or go back to the video) and then explain what it is for. Continue with other items you heard about today. 

Tour of a Church - Part 1

Andi & Jack take a tour around a Church with Rev. Liz, who explains what a font is.

Tour of a Church - Part 2

Rev. Liz explains about the Pulpit and the Organ.

Tour of a Church - Part 3

Rev. Liz continues her tour of the church.

Tour of a Church - Part 4

Rev. Liz explains about the Grave Yard outside the Church and what Christians believe happens when you die.

Tour of a Church - Part 5

What do Vicars wear? Rev. Liz explains about the different colours that are worn and shown in some Churches throughout the year.

Guided Reading

Please read and complete the questions for one of the differentiated texts provided.


Follow the slides attached to learn about and practise singing in a round. Then have a go creating one of your own Tudor songs to the tune of a popular nursery rhymes. You can have a look at the worksheets to help you plan it, but you will not need to use them or print off. To sing in a round, you will need to have at least one person at home sing with you!


Write down three statements about yourself. Two of them need to be true and one will not be true. Read them to another person. The other person can ask up to five questions in order to try to figure out the 'lie'. The more convincing you are at answering all your questions, the harder it will be to work it out. Obviously, as you are likely to play this with someone at home who knows you very well, you will need to think carefully about your statements, to ensure they don't already know the answer. Then switch around so that you are the person asking the questions. 


Please look at the spellings below for this week. For more information, you can look at the homework worksheet attached. Revise these spellings for ten minutes a day and then ask somebody to test you at the end of the school week.



vague plaque
chalet plague cheque
machine league antique
brochure dialogue oblique
parachute catalogue  unique    


