Timetable - Wednesday 13th January
Wednesday |
Literacy |
Guided Reading |
OMS Numeracy |
Numeracy |
PE |
Music |
Today in Literacy, I would like to you to go complete the Oak Academy lesson which follows on from yesterday. In this lesson, you will be planning the recount of events for your newspaper story, with a focus on appropriate conjunctions and journalistic sentence starters.
Guided Reading
Today you are going to continue reading from Monday and Tuesday's extract. Please answer the comprehension questions which can be found underneath the extract. The answers will be provided in Tuesday's class page.
OMS- Numeracy
You will need a piece of paper. Go through the mental maths questions on the PowerPoint and then check your answers at the end. Jottings are encouraged!
You have spent the last few lessons looking at composite shapes and how to work out the area and perimeter of composite shapes. Today, I would like you to create your own composite shapes and work out the area for your shapes. How you do this is up to you but some ideas include:
- Finding two rectilinear objects, (e.g. a baking tray and a DVD) find the area of each object and then work out what the area of the composite shape would be.
- Draw your own composite shapes in chalk outside. Measure the area of the shapes using a ruler/measuring tape to help you.
- Make a variety of rectangles using dry sticks of spaghetti. Join two together to make a composite shape and then measure the area of your shapes.
If you want to give yourself extra challenge, join more than two rectangles together for a more complex shape.
Today's PE lesson is learning how to bounce pass a ball in netball. Watch the clip for further guidance and then practise this pass with a partner. If you have two people at home you could play with, you can also practise how to dodge someone trying to intercept the ball.
I know not all of you will be able to work with a partner. If you are unable to complete this lesson, follow a Joe Wicks workout video instead. You can also continue with Mrs Revell's challenge of doing at least five minutes of exercise. This can be whatever you like.
Today you are going to learn about how songs are divided into bars. Make your way through the videos (Music only) and follow along to the latest song. You can clap to the beat and sing, if you wish. A lyric sheet is attached.