In Literacy this week we have been writing our shape poems. The children chose an animal from the book Squash and a Squeeze and wrote some fantastic poems using great descriptive language. We have also been looking at adding the suffixes ing and ed and learning that by adding these suffixes we are beginning to write in past and present tense.
This week in our maths we have been showcasing the many different maths skills that we know and have developed and blown our teachers socks of by answering lots of different questions independently. We have revisited addition, subtraction, shape, pattern and place value as well as many other skills.
Well done team!
In our Foundation lessons this week, we have had an RE focus. Whilst the Year 1 children have been learning about different stories from the Bible like 'Jesus Feeds the Five Thousand', the Year 2s have been finding out about the Torah and why it is important to Jewish people. Both year groups have really impressed us with their approach to these topics and how much they have learned over the course of the week.