Please remember the expectation is that you work for 4 hours a day. Here is a suggested time table for your work.
LO: To spell words containing apostrophes to show possession.
Please practise your spellings. Write them out using 'Look, Cover, Write, Check'. If you can spell them, try writing sentences using the words. It is really important with this particular list that you practise using the words in sentences as I am sure a lot of the words are quite easy for you. The most important thing is you know how to use singular and plural form correctly, as well as with apostrophes.
Guided reading:
LO: Develop our knowledge before reading.
This week, we will be starting a new text called- The City.
Have a look at the pictures of local cities. You could also explore them using Google Earth.
Think about what it would be like to live there.
Activity: Write a paragraph imagining you had been transported to a city. Write what you can see/ hear/ feel/ smell etc.
LO: To write descriptive sentence.
Watch the video below for today's lesson. I have linked the BBC video below as it is very quiet in the recording.
Warm-up- Write sentences with relative clauses.
Watch the video. Look at examples of relative clauses and then complete sentences by adding in your own relative clauses.
Main: I would like you to imagine you came across your own portal to another land. Where is it? Is it in the woods? The shop? Use somewhere around Manea. How would you be feeling? Write from the perspective of one of the children in the story and show them walking through your portal. How does it work? Describe their feelings.
Mrs Wordsmith
LO: To review words we have learnt before
Have a look at some of the words that we have learnt this year. Play a game with somebody in your family- give them the meaning and see if they can guess the word or perhaps you could draw a picture.
Dusk, Shimmering, Scrawny, Insecure, Blustery, Howl, Dewy, Sweltering, Electrifying, Hazy, Downpour, Scrumptious, Ravenous, Twilight |
LO: To convert between minutes, hours and seconds.
Start by practising your seven times tables.
Warm-up: Can you solve this problem which requires you to convert between analogue and digital clocks?
Main: Yesterday, we focused on converting minutes and hours. Today we are extending this to converting between minutes, seconds and hours.
Follow the online lesson from the Oak Academy Trust which is linked below. Remember these key facts:
LO: To practise our co-ordination skills
Watch the video below. Follow it with keeping active for at least another 30 minutes. Perhaps create a Joe Wickes video, or play football in your garden- it's up to you!
LO: To recognise ten names for animals in French
To access the learning resources for your French lesson please visit the Language Angels website by clicking HERE
Click log in and sign in using the details below in the home school area.
Username: ManeaC1355
Password: lahome
Your challenge is to revise the five animals we looked at last week and learn the next five!
Follow the paths below, you may need an adult to support you.
Entry Level Challenge,
Unit 7,
Lesson 3
There is an interactive Powerpoint for you to use like we do in class. There are also some worksheets that you can do to help you remember the new words. What challenge will you go for?