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Please find below this week's homework. Each activity can be completed on paper, so you don't have to print the attachments, you can just simply view them.


Some of the homework has been split into cool, medium and spicy. This means you can choose the homework that you will find challenging but not too hard. Remember, if you have completed the homework and you found it too easy then try the next one!


Please send in your completed homework, where applicable, to We look forward to seeing them!


Mrs Revell and Miss Miller.


Please ensure you are reading at least 5 times this week. An appropriate length of time to be reading for is 15 minutes - 20 minutes. Remember, you can complete an AR test the next time you are at school on the book that you have just read.


With Mrs Revell this week, we have been looking at the difference between active and passive sentences.

Cool - Writing sentences with verbs in
Medium - Working out the difference between active and passive sentences
Spicy - Writing a paragraph with passive sentences in


Look back at your Maths learning this week with Mrs Revell and complete the challenge below that you were working on in class. 


Cool - Adding numbers together
Medium - Rounding numbers
Spicy - Solving decimal problems focusing on rounding


Find your group's spellings to learn this week for your test on Wednesday - Good luck!

Group 1 - Please look at the document below

Group 2 - This week your spellings are:

Bicycle,  Breath, Breathe, Build, Busy, Business, Calendar, Caught, Centre, Century

Group 3 - This week your spellings are:

Shell, Shop, Shed, Push, Fish, Would
